What are you listening to or watching at the moment?

Found out he'll be in concert in Windsor, Ontario on January 14th. So I'm considering getting tickets and listening to...

What channel is American top gear on Wart?

History Channel.

It's on now (9-10p)

Wife said she likes the Brits better, I agree.

This is only the second or third show (?), I hope they get it sorted out, it's pretty thin and without personality when compared to the original.

And it's as though the American version is trying to copy the original in stead of making it their own. In Britain they have a V-12 as a coffee table. Same here, but in America when someone says 'performance engine' a V-8 comes to mind.
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I'm cleaning the kitchen (just took a break to check on my movie download) and listening to an audiobook on my iPod - Tourist Season by Carl Hiassen. Very darkly funny.
Just finished baking cookies and now I'm watching Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer with my kids and nieces. :)
Last year a co-worker who is in a band on the side made available to all of us in the office his iPod playlist of Christmas music - almost 500 songs, in every genre from blues to rock to pop to a capella. Sheryl Crow, Linda Ronstadt, Aaron Neville, Barenaked Ladies, Dave Brubeck, Jimmy Buffett, Charlie Daniels Band, Rick Springfield, Vanessa Williams and much more. I've been listening to it all afternoon.
Charmed - Now

I will be watching this weeks new episodes of Eureka and Warehouse 13 soon.
A guilty pleasure. I don't usually follow the American Idol folks, but I adore his voice and I am totally addicted! :bonk:


A cover that I actually like:

Oh, I love The Polar Express - such a fun movie. I've been listening to an audiobook while I make tortillas for our dinner - The Gunslinger by Stephen King. First in The Dark Tower series. I read this years ago, but I'm starting over with the first one.