What are you listening to or watching at the moment?

Or a more latin blues flare......what a house.....

Buddy Guy at Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute - long way from home

my two favorite singers and guitarists..RIP both

very poor quality but the only one i can find online..for now...lol

Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jeff Healey - Look at Little Sister

Sneakers - I LOVE this movie!!

Watched Avatar yesterday. It was good.

Was it supposed to be an environmental message movie?
Well, since we can't get the car down the drive way or UP UP the hill Paul is working form home. He's doing programing on the computer. He keeps singing to himself about the "bugs" that he finds. I think he might just drive the guys at work CrAzy half the time! lol
Well, since we can't get the car down the drive way or UP UP the hill Paul is working form home. He's doing programing on the computer. He keeps singing to himself about the "bugs" that he finds. I think he might just drive the guys at work CrAzy half the time! lol
Just got through watching "Edge of Darkness" with Mel Gibson and WOW!! That was a good movie!! The end was bitter sweet.
On the Wii? Is someone there playing it? If so, how is it?
NO IT'S PLAYING WITH ITSELF!! LOL sorry. Yes my girl is playing it!! It is great!! I just got the Wii console yesterday and we played for the first time. It is cool. I have spent like 15 years training all of us NOT to move the controller around after having the consoles hit the floor or cords being pulled out of the controllers. NOW this one is wireless and the MORE you wiggle/jiggle etc the better!! Now I have to get used to moving the controller!! AND we have to get used to NOT stepping over the cords!! WE look like drunk Freddie the Freeloader!! LOL
The washing machine and dryer tumbling (don't ya hate the sound of a zipper or something clacking on the inside?)
BTW We got the limited edtion red console which came with 1 red motion plus remote and red nunchuk, wii sports and new mario bros. Plus we got 2 red mini remote/nunchuk combos, DKC Returns and Mario Galaxy.
That's awesome. The new DKC looks like it's going to be a good one. The first one on the SN was fantastic, so I can only hope they stayed true to that. I don't have a Wii yet, but Zelda, Metroid, and DKC are really motivating me to take the plunge!
That's awesome. The new DKC looks like it's going to be a good one. The first one on the SN was fantastic, so I can only hope they stayed true to that. I don't have a Wii yet, but Zelda, Metroid, and DKC are really motivating me to take the plunge!
I had a LONG reply and in the middle I hit Some PHANTOM key combo which caused me to loose the whole thing!! I wish I could figure out how that works!! I am certain I didn't hit the back button or the Alt+back arrow button. I also would love to know what key combo has the same effect as hitting the submit button and causes what I like to call "Premature" posting right in the middle of typing all of a sudden its like I hit the submit button but I didn't!! I will retype my thoughts on the Wii and DKC shortly. BTW I started playing DK on the Atari 2600!! And if not for DKC Returns I may not have bought the Wii!!
I had a LONG reply and in the middle I hit Some PHANTOM key combo which caused me to loose the whole thing!! I wish I could figure out how that works!! I am certain I didn't hit the back button or the Alt+back arrow button. I also would love to know what key combo has the same effect as hitting the submit button and causes what I like to call "Premature" posting right in the middle of typing all of a sudden its like I hit the submit button but I didn't!! I will retype my thoughts on the Wii and DKC shortly. BTW I started playing DK on the Atari 2600!! And if not for DKC Returns I may not have bought the Wii!!

I know one of those things.......Alt+S will submit a post.
I've been listening to explosions when I get killed - playing PS3 game Super StarDust HD in 3D. It's really fun but I suck. lol
