What are you listening to or watching at the moment?

Nothing at the moment. Waiting for my shows to DVR so I can watch and zap past the commercials!! :whistle: :brows:
I'm watching Ip Man whip that butt. I’m infatuated with this movie at the moment!

I love a good karate movie and this looks like a good one. Gonna have to check it out!

What I love about this one is that it is a bit of a true story detailing the life of Ip Man who goes on to become the first Master to teach Bruce Lee.

That historical note aside, this movie is very well done (camera, choreography, musical score, etc), and it’s got a LOT of story and emotion, and pride, and mood to present. It’s not a Cover to Flap kick and punch movie.

It’s got a lot of character development, and the fight scenes are put where they belong – spice if you will. It’s just so well done.

That fight scene I posted is one of the biggest in the movie, and to look at it, it’s great, but had you seen the movie and knew what all transpired to build up to him actually doing that…..DAYUM! Awesome.

The movie is deep with pride, has a good story, and comes clean with pushing back when you have been pushed too far.

I’m loving it.

It’s streaming on Netflix, so catch it if you can!
Sounds really good. I added it to my queue. Thanks, Keltin.

I'm diggin Candlebox tonight. Haven't listened to them in years. They were really good!

I wrecked by Toyota Tacoma truck listening to Candlebox. Was coming home late on the back roads and a deer ran out in front of me. I swerved to miss it and the front wheel grabbed the soft shoulder and the truck flipped, then rolled 15 times according to the State Trooper’s estimate.

I walked home from that in 20 degree weather and ended up with 3rd degree asphalt burns on my feet (shoes got knocked off my feet in the roll) and couldn’t walk for over a month. Physical therapy was fun.

So…….I don’t listen much to CB anymore. :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:

It was this one playing when I rolled…..

I don't blame you Keltin. I wouldn't listen to it anymore either.

Goo Goo Dolls! This song kicks a$$!

OMG, I still love this to this day.


Do. Not. Touch. My. Family.



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Old Chuck! :)

This is what played over and over while my group of friends from high school drove down to PCB for our graduation trip. Still love it! And I have the news on in the background.

What a coinky-dink! We JUST now put that own for our grandson Michael! He's glued to the TV now. :lol:

LOL! It's a cute movie. I took Perry when it was first released, but he was still a little too young to sit still for a full lenth movie. We had to leave after half an hour. :)

About to watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I have watched this every year since I was little and I'm keeping the tradition alive! LOL!
LOL! It's a cute movie. I took Perry when it was first released, but he was still a little too young to sit still for a full lenth movie. We had to leave after half an hour. :)

About to watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I have watched this every year since I was little and I'm keeping the tradition alive! LOL!

Speaking of tradition, do they still play Wizard of Oz every year? I haven't caught that on TV in years.