What are you listening to or watching at the moment?

Good one! Check out this one by Chris Cornell:

Good one! Check out this one by Chris Cornell:


:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

I like Chris Cornell. Love him actually.



This is sacrilegious in my book. A hulking travesty. It’s something that should have NEVER been done.

If I am a sinner and damned to Hell, I imagine this rendition of this song is waiting for me in 7.1 surround in Beelzebub’s inner-most chambers.

I’m going off now to pour beach in my ears, stick a hot poker in my right eye, and then I’ll play a real Cornell song like this:

:w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

I like Chris Cornell. Love him actually.



This is sacrilegious in my book. A hulking travesty. It’s something that should have NEVER been done.

If I am a sinner and damned to Hell, I imagine this rendition of this song is waiting for me in 7.1 surround in Beelzebub’s inner-most chambers.

I’m going off now to pour beach in my ears, stick a hot poker in my right eye, and then I’ll play a real Cornell song like this:


Don't sugar coat it! How do you really feel about it?? :yum::yum::yum:

a couple from Colin Hay. Beautiful - slow, but so incredibly wonderful.


Good one! There's always this:

and this:

speaking of remakes..i am usually not fond of them either but i like this one alot

Five Finger Death Punch- Bad Company
