What are you doing today?


Well-known member
jimmy, i have 1 of those rooms, too:excl: is green, too!
literally have storage containers stacked to the ceiling, a couch, an armchair/ottoman, a closet-ful of stuff ranging from my Grandmother's antique singer sewing machine, to my ex-guys' gear. a bookshelf so tall, it's near the ceiling, too. i should take a pic. i call that other living room 'the junk room'. 'cept the stuff is not junk. they're items i'm not currently using.

i should sell a few of those items on consignment.
Ha Ha ha Ha ... Yep! The Junk room..we call it S T U F F ...LOL
Mostly 99% Tina's stuff.

the bathroom has a closet for towels and is 99% all girls stuff.
I have a corner on the tippy top for my razor / deodorant / and man perfume. that's it!

The girls have a fancy put together white K-Mart Cabinet with all their face creams and lotions and stuff. I Tried (TRIED) to take one shelf for my shampoo and hair brush, but DW took it out and stuck it in the closet out of site on the tippy top shelf.

So... I lose. hahahaha...


'lil Chef
Gold Site Supporter
ohhhhh, jimmy! a guy cannot take a shelf- blake is alloted 1 corner of the tub/shower to put his soap & razor.
us women keep 7 lipsticks, 5 b&b works fragrances, 5 various boxes of hair color, 4 mascaras, 7 eyeshadows, 200 hair ties, 4 bottles of shampoo, ( & 5 of conditioners), 2 bottles of moisturizer, 5 cans of spray-on sunscreen- (they were on sale!), any dental whitening item on the market, q-tips to smugde cosmectics, dental floss in 4 different flavors, pre-brushing rinse & twin-packs of listerine, female-stuffs, hair-dryers, pomade, hair wax, contact solution, purell.......
& that's on 1 shelf.:wink:

i've not mentioned the storage drawers & the plastic storage basins yet, huh.......
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I still got tons of stuff to throw away!! The sidewalk in front of the building is going to have a big pile of trash come Tuesday evening!!

It's easy to let junk clutter up the house to the point where you've become so sick to death of it, but it's hard as hell to try to get rid of it!! let the trash truck eat it!! :eating2:


'lil Chef
Gold Site Supporter
my stuff's not junk. variety is the spice of life~ if i wanna wear 1 pair of shoes over another, shrug. or if i pick over my boots, shirts, pants, coats, & socks, hair stuff, jewelry, & purses, i'm allowed.
if i choose 1 nail polish over another, or 1 pen over another, well~

the stuff my ex has not retrieved is gonna be sold, definately. & he knows this.
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Well-known member
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Never said that your stuff was junk, but I've always been told that one man's junk is another man's treasure.

But I don't care because it's gotta go!!

Going out with the trash is the last of the old appliances that I've replaced a while back. :applause:


Well-known member
I told my wife to clean one shelf at a time. Before she knows it....she will be all done and organized.

That is how I clean the refrigerator. one shelf at the time. That way I can run the refigerator so as not to heat up anything beyond the safe level.


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I think that would apply mainly during the hot summer, but that's just me thinking out loud.

Mountain man

Entree Cook
Gold Site Supporter
When I clean the fridge I usually grab a bucket and a spatula. If I don't remember when it was made it goes. Some stuff requires no evaluation at all. One look or smell says it goes. Then I get a small pail and hot soapy water and scrub a shelf at a time. If it is bad I take them out and do a major scrub in the sink. The worst is the door shelves. Always end up with stuff of unknown vintage. :mrgreen:


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
It's going to be another beautiful day here today. Sunny skies and in the 70's. Going to do a little more yard work when it warms up in a bit. It's only 50° now....should warm up in an hour or 2. My garden is doing great. I planted some green and wax beans from seed and they are already about 6" high :w00t:.

I always take everything out of my fridge when I clean it. I wish I could do it shelf by shelf. Sure would be a lot easier. It's just that darn OCD I have...if I try to do it any way other than taking everything out of the fridge, including all of the shelves and cleaning the whole thing and putting it back together, it would bother me until I did. DH teases me telling me that I don't have OCD, I have CDO because I even have to put that in order :twak:


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Here also!!

It's just not feeling warm enough yet, and it won't be, at least not until Wednesday!! :yuk:


Well-known member
Did nothing yet. went to bed at 4 am... woke up at 8:15...yawn!!...

DW went to get some beef fer supper, and pet food. so it is quiet here now.

I will start yard work with a can and my super extendo grabber picking up sticks that blew off the trees. There must be a couple hundred of them.
It is nice and cool out at least, and I won't sweat.
I could get lazy, and just drive around on the tractor with a plastic garbage can tied on the front, and with my easy grabber I could pick up the twigs and sticks. LOL...talk about a lazy @$$. hahahahaha


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Had to take DH's bluetooth to him that he forgot to take to work with him this morning but all is good, he drives an 18-wheeler and had a stop right near the farmers market so......I got a 5 lb. bag of Vidalia onions, 8 big beautiful tomatoes, a bunch of bananas, and some strawberries. Didn't even spend $10....it's gonna be a good day!
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🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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Had to take DH's bluetooth to him that he forgot to take to work with him this morning but all is good, he driver an 18-wheeler and had a stop right near the farmers market so......I got a 5 lb. bag of Vidalia onions, 8 big beautiful tomatoes, a bunch of bananas, and some strawberries. Didn't even spend $10....it's gonna be a good day!
Onion soup and tomato salad with fresh baked bread, strawberry shortcake for dessert, banana bread in a couple days?


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Great ideas Peepers! I think tonight though, I'll be making grilled burgers on fresh made Italian Bread that has been grilled topped with romaine, tomatoes and onions. I have some overripe bananas now so I may go ahead and make some banana bread later today if I have time or, if not, I'll probably make it tomorrow. With the strawberries, I was thinking of just making a spinach/strawberry/almond salad for lunch tomorrow. Some of those Vidalia's will be baked. I LOVE a baked vidalia...it's a lot like eating the onions out of French Onion Soup.

Mountain man

Entree Cook
Gold Site Supporter
Whole lot of laying around doing almost nothing today and for the next week or 2. Docs orders as I sure don't want to tear the incision open. It hurts enough right now and darn sure don't want to do it again.


Well-known member
Whole lot of laying around doing almost nothing today and for the next week or 2. Docs orders as I sure don't want to tear the incision open. It hurts enough right now and darn sure don't want to do it again.
I missed it if you posted it MountainMan...uhh what happened?

Surgery? Stitches? Wounded?

Gee...sorry to hear that. Get better, and T A K E I T E A S Y !

Mountain man

Entree Cook
Gold Site Supporter
I missed it if you posted it MountainMan...uhh what happened?

Surgery? Stitches? Wounded?

Gee...sorry to hear that. Get better, and T A K E I T E A S Y !
Got cut open for a new pacemaker/ICD yesterday and am dealing with this foot and some of the same on the other foot. Painful as can be.


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Pizza Chef
Super Site Supporter
MM -

happy to see you've survived another round of them folks!

now, if you would just stop blowing into your toe, the swelling would disappear!

yeah, they do not be fond of "repairs" - it's basically rip it out and put in a new one....
got the remote monitoring?

be well and stay especially ornery; heh, works for me....


Well-known member
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Get well please, MM!!

I get swolen feet from time to time.

When it happens, I just take an extra Lasix pill and go lay down to get the fluid down 8until I start to go to the bathroom and urinate.


Well-known member
Yeah! I call my foot on the right Bubbie Toes if the swollen feet get that way if I eat too much sodium.

I wear the compression socks now. That keeps the fluid to a minimum. :sad:
I'll say one thing too. They are a bear to put on. I do a lot of huffing and puffing after that episode. LOL


Well-known member
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Yeah! I call my foot on the right Bubbie Toes if the swollen feet get that way if I eat too much sodium.

I wear the compression socks now. That keeps the fluid to a minimum. :sad:
I'll say one thing too. They are a bear to put on. I do a lot of huffing and puffing after that episode. LOL

Yeah, too much sodium will do it to you!!

When I go shopping, I look at the nutrition label that's on the back or bottom of each product.

For instance, and just for kicks & giggles, I looked at the nutrition label on a precooked premade beef dish, and I was so shocked and appalled at the amount of sodium that's in it!! Over 1,300 miligrams of friggen salt!!! I put it right back down and left it where I saw it!! In the display case!!

If it's too salty, I'm not getting it!! :ohmy:


'lil Chef
Gold Site Supporter
i get edema, too. the dietician used to restrict my sodium intake &, oxymoronically, have me push fluids. my doc gives me potassium & magnesium supplements. my extremities swell years later, & so i hafta fight my feet to get boots/shoes on them.


Well-known member
This swelling and fluid retention was bad during the Easter Holiday.

I guess the Ham / Kielbasi, and other foods were loaded with sodium.

I blew up for a week after; and felt like my Buddy "Weird Al" ..... Just like he blew up in this song!:corny:



Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Is that Gout maybe MM? My mama had it and it was VERY painful when it would act up.

Mountain man

Entree Cook
Gold Site Supporter
Was checked by 3 different docs who said it ain't gout. Had it x-rayed in 3 positions and have gone to 2 different podiatrists. Then went to a neurologist in January. She shocked up and down the leg and feet and said it may be inherited neuropathy. Then I checked at home with the test strips plus several blood tests for diabetes. All I know is it hurts like hell and this swelling is scary. This can lead to cell damage and amputation. But not if i can help it.


Well-known member
Was checked by 3 different docs who said it ain't gout. Had it x-rayed in 3 positions and have gone to 2 different podiatrists. Then went to a neurologist in January. She shocked up and down the leg and feet and said it may be inherited neuropathy. Then I checked at home with the test strips plus several blood tests for diabetes. All I know is it hurts like hell and this swelling is scary. This can lead to cell damage and amputation. But not if i can help it.
Mm... Have you tried drinking more water throughout the day so that the kidneys will work to remove any impurities which can be causing the excess fluid to the feet.
Green tea is good too. Just sip sip sip all day.
In my swelling, the ankles and tarsals hurt like a toothache.
An aspirin at bedtime is what I take too so that the blood thins out a bit more, and aids in circulation of the blood.

Just a tip...did you check for phlebitis. My MIL had that, and she would sit there in pain with the legs elevated and crying. She just kept saying these legs these legs, I hate these legs. Tina took her to a Dr. here in New jersey, and the Dr. said to #1 Check and medicate the feet because she had ( darn...I can't think of...Oh I got it..Athletes foot) the infection said the Dr. was the cause of the Phlebitis. She cleared the athletes feet, and the phlebitis swelling and ache went away.
Her legs at times would look like they would crack; that's how swelled they were.


Well-known member
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This swelling and fluid retention was bad during the Easter Holiday.

I guess the Ham / Kielbasi, and other foods were loaded with sodium.

I blew up for a week after; and felt like my Buddy "Weird Al" ..... Just like he blew up in this song!:corny:


He's not really THAT fat though, as we all know. He's wearing a "fat" suit to make him appear as though he's morbidly obese.

Gout is usually in the toes and in the ankle, and there is a flare-up only when the uric acid level is high.

As kids, mom & dad always told us that it's a "rich man's disease". Supposedly, it also comes from consuming foods with high levels of acidity, such as tomatoes, greens, citrus fruits, sodas, etc..

Mountain man

Entree Cook
Gold Site Supporter
I do watch the sodium in foods we buy. The worst is some prepared foods. Used to love Marie Callender chicken potpies till I started reading labels. 45% from just one and I would eat 2 at a time. Same thing with some bacons and sausages as well as snack foods. I go with salt free when I can find it. You have to use stuff quicker as it will go bad without all the nitrates but it sure helps the fluid problems.


Well-known member
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I do watch the sodium in foods we buy. The worst is some prepared foods. Used to love Marie Callender chicken potpies till I started reading labels. 45% from just one and I would eat 2 at a time. Same thing with some bacons and sausages as well as snack foods. I go with salt free when I can find it. You have to use stuff quicker as it will go bad without all the nitrates but it sure helps the fluid problems.

Just about any of those premade dishes that you see in the supermarkets. I do!

I LOVE things like chicken pot pie, beef stew, rice pilaf, pot roast and rotisseried chicken, but I'd be damned if I buy it premade, so I just make them all myself.

And BTW, they DO have low sodium bacon. That's what I get, though I don't eat it that often. :eating2:


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I feel like I'm coming around the mountain on my painting project, just a little bit left :pee_smilie: . Everybody must be busy, busy, busy.