What are you Baking today?

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Mama, what beautiful bread. All I can say is you did really good. I am loving it.
I to made bread today, sweetpotato bread, my first. Not real pleased with the taste. I would be happy to make a trade. CF
I'd be honored to break bread with you CF!

What's the recipe look like for the sweet potato bread....maybe we can fix it.
Mama, used the bread machine on dough. Rolled and folded. Used loaf pan, oven on 400° for 20 min. It look OK, taste OK just not wow!!!
Here is the recipe. CF

Sweet Potato Yeast Bread

· 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons water
· 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
· 1 cup mashed sweet potatoes
· 4 cups bread flour
· 1/4 teaspoon each ground nutmeg and cinnamon
· 2 tablespoons butter
· 1/3 cup dark brown sugar
· 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
· 2 teaspoons active dry yeast
· 2 tablespoons dry milk
Add ingredients according to manufacturer's suggested order. Use white bread setting, light crust.
Makes a 2-pound loaf.

Maybe you could make it into a swirl bread. Divide the dough in half so you can make 2 loaves of bread. Roll each half into a rectangle and then spread each half with a Tablespoon of softened butter and then sprinkle each roll with a Tablespoon of brown sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Roll them up into 2 loaves and bake.
Mama, took your advice on the bread. I made Cinnamon toast this morning. It was good. If I make this again will use your suggestion, and make two roll ups. Thanks CF
Irish Bambrach Bread

the night before baking combine to soak:
1 cup of hot, strong tea
1 cup dark brown sugar packed
1# dried fruit, your choice ( i used 8oz dried apples, 4 oz ea cranberries, yellow raisins)

Preheat oven to 350 sift together: 2 cups flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt, fold in fruit with liquid and 1 slightly beaten egg. Bake about 1 hour.


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Italian bread. One for home and took one to a 86 year-young customer. (Sliced with the Cusinart electric knife)

Joe, some fine looking loaves. Like your slicer, I have one just like it. I need to train mine more, it cuts thick and thin. Sometime on the same slice. Great color and photo. CF
I'm baking a cake. Very unusual for me. I found, somewhere in my collection, a copy of the charter issue of Cooks Illustrated magazine; it has an article about taste-testing olive oils and a recipe for olive oil cake with Grand Marnier. In the oven now.
Irish Bambrach Bread

the night before baking combine to soak:
1 cup of hot, strong tea
1 cup dark brown sugar packed
1# dried fruit, your choice ( i used 8oz dried apples, 4 oz ea cranberries, yellow raisins)

Preheat oven to 350 sift together: 2 cups flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt, fold in fruit with liquid and 1 slightly beaten egg. Bake about 1 hour.

Looks fantastic, Mr. GJ!

You're probably saving it for tomorrow. If you think of it, would you take a photo of it sliced, so we can see the "crumb"?

Thanks, chilefarmer. It came out delicious. Our granddaughter got up from her nap and would only eat the bread and strawberries. Grandma tried giving her some meat and cheese, but she only wanted the bread. God, I love that kid.:clap:

Joe - That is some of the most gorgeous bread I've ever seen, bar none! You're obviously a grand master bread baker! If and when you may happen to have the time to spare, I'd love some advice and direction on how to make a sourdough starter and how to keep it alive and well, once it's going. I've alays wanted to make one but never had any luck. Learning from an expert such as yourself would be a real thrill! :a1:

Make another 7up cake. Fresh from the oven!!

Rich & luxuriously appointed!!!!


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Polish Sourdough Rye??? My two favorite bread flavors in one loaf!! Wow, Joe! I feel like flying out to OH to try some of that!

Sherman, that cake looks fantastic! I'll have to look up that recipe!

Thanx, everyone!

I used a 10-inch tube pan. The same type of pan that I also use to bake an Angel cake in.

I'm away from my house, visiting a friend for the weekend, but when I get back to my apartment tomorrow or Monday, I will take a pic of the pan and post it for you to see.

Thanx again!
It was time for the church bake sale, so I baked them 20 loaves of bread...4 Honey Whole Wheat and 16 loaves of Italian.

JoeV, I like that soon rest! It's different!!!
It seems like we have had that spoon rest forever. I found it [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Amco-Stainless-Steel-Silicone-Bottom/dp/B000J32NGW/ref=sr_1_7?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1332675034&sr=1-7"]here[/ame] on Amazon dot com if you're interested. We like it because it has a silicone base that does not slip and does not scratch the countertop like a ceramic spoonrest might do.
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