Use The Right Onion

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
Gold Site Supporter
Just a handy little chart to pass along.



Nice! I usually use white onion for everything if it isn’t Mexican. Sometimes a sweet onion if the recipe calls for it. I used a shallot for the first time in my life last week? I’m more of a meat and potato vs fancy schmancy kind of onion guy

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
Gold Site Supporter
I had some tri-coloured shallots that were in a bag in my cupboard.
Forgot all about them and they went bad.

Johnny West

Well-known member
These candie sweet onions we got from Oregon are very good - they are a white onion and cellar better than the Walla Walla sweet which seems to rot quickly.


Well-known member
I eat fresh shallots with rice and curry. However, in Sri Lanka there are only 2 kinds of onions. Big onions and red onions. Shallots are called "red onions". All other kinds are collectively called "big onions".
So if you ever come to Sri Lanka and ask for red onions, you will get shallots. :D
Until about 2 decades ago, big onions were called "B onions" (B Loonu in Sinhala). B stood for Bombay (Bombay Onions). Because the onions were imported from India. But now Sri Lanka grows the total supply.


Well-known member
LastMan, I Googled "big onions Sri Lanka" and saw that they are what we would call red onions. I don't cook with those, just use them fresh.

And if you Google images for "red onions Sri Lanka" you'll find shallots.
But to declare variables, I'll be using red onions for red onions and shallots for shallots here on this site :)
I like any kind of allium fresh, except garlic which I like fried. My dad used to eat fresh garlic sometimes with food.

Johnny West

Well-known member
LastMan, I Googled "big onions Sri Lanka" and saw that they are what we would call red onions. I don't cook with those, just use them fresh.

I do cook with them depending the recipe. Right now we are using the big candie sweets For everything.

Johnny West

Well-known member
And if you Google images for "red onions Sri Lanka" you'll find shallots.
But to declare variables, I'll be using red onions for red onions and shallots for shallots here on this site :)
I like any kind of allium fresh, except garlic which I like fried. My dad used to eat fresh garlic sometimes with food.
BTW, welcome to NCT. It’s good to have a fresh perspective. I’m from Puyallup, Washington Just south of Seattle.