This is what my family and I look like!

I love seeing the faces of who I talk to so I thought I'd ask....

Me too. :)

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Well if it was a inappropriate pic I can completely understand, but other wise I don't see how an old pic can haunt you...?:confused:

Don't get me wrong, of course if you don't feel comfortable posting a pic, theres nothing at all wrong with that...I only asked because it sounded to me like you had posted one and I thought I had missed it somewhere. I love seeing the faces of who I talk to so I thought I'd ask....

I had deleted a picture at my old foodie site and someone else reposted it after I asked them not to. Pictures are easily photoshopped. As I am a lawyer, I do not want to give someone an opportunity to take an innocent photo and change it so that it is not so innocent. As a career woman, I consider those things.

Folks have lost their jobs because of photos they have posted online having a good time at parties. We live in a very different world today and I tend to be cautious when it comes to these things.
Is it a matter of national security, Wart? :respect:

Or the witness protection program. :mrgreen:
(just kidding, honest!) lol

It's got more to do with me looking at barking dogs and their going silent,
And little kids looking at me and breaking out in tears.

It's also got something to do with me going to car shows and wanting people not to know what I look like since I've pissed off so many of them. Far better for them to realize who it is shaking their hand.
I had deleted a picture at my old foodie site and someone else reposted it after I asked them not to. Pictures are easily photoshopped. As I am a lawyer, I do not want to give someone an opportunity to take an innocent photo and change it so that it is not so innocent. As a career woman, I consider those things.


I'm sorry to hear that :(
The internet is just like real life, not everyone has good motives. However, as this is an anonymous medium it allows people the freedom to behave worse than the would in a face to face situation. Outside of shunning someone or banning them, there are no real consequences. Even with those solutions, there are folks who can get around being blocked and come back as a "different person". Sometimes to start over with a better motive and sometimes just to create more trouble.

That being said, I still try to give everyone the benefit of doubt and see good in everyone but I have had experiences online over the years that have made me more cynical.
uhhh maybe because I haven't had my V8 today....but I don't get your meaning....:confused:

Off the top of my head .... This illustrates how innocent and good things can get twisted, and I hope the Airplane reference is caught, and if there is any objection (specially from Larry) it will be gone quickly.


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First impression is I know him from somewhere.

I'm in the Kent area.

For various and numerous reasons I don't put my picture on the web, though I may find one that I will. It's complicated.

We live near the PA line in Ohio. He works for the post office in Painesville, and has been told he has a twin lurking around somewhere. He is originally from Florida.
Tae is a child taking your pic?? LOL why are they so much lower than you?
Nice pics everyone!!
Susan did you post one? I think I missed it? :(

Nope :yum: just me wife taking a picture from the TOOL PLACE my kind of shopping.
She gets clothes I get tools
Yeah, ya gotta watch those Photoshop junkies when they start plying their trade. I p.o.'d my son and ended up a bit distorted...


Of course, that was nothing compared to the time I ate the leftover carryout in the fridge. He said I was a dog that would eat anything in sight, which made me a little sad...


So I went off to visit the Doublemint sisters & their Mom...

So Vera if this drop dead gorgeous woman is really you, that blood sucking vampire on your avatar is it your alter ego, or a curse that you turn into by night? :blush:

Thank you for the nice compliment, Charlie.....I embrace my inner Vampyre whole heartedly!
Wowee! I finally found the photos! hooray!

We have some very nice looking cooks here!
Buckytom, some of these folks haven't seen you need to post a non-homer photo.
This is me on a good day when I'm feeling all friendly like:


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You kind of remind me of my best friend at least a cleaner shaved version of him as well as a few more pounds. :smile:
Here is a picture from a couple of years ago....
Me on the left side holding the spatula, Lefty on the right side.
By the looks of my grin...I've had a few drinks already.

We're browning up some crab cakes.

And here am I with my other passion....dorking around with some servers in a datacenter
