This is what my family and I look like!

My fishing buddy Dave I've mentioned several times in the past. He's a near ultimate car guy. He sold his Ferrari a couple months ago and bought this ZR1. What a neck snapper. 0 - 60 in 3.1 seconds IN FIRST GEAR. Awesome. It has 400 hundred miles on it and he figures the rear tires will need replacing at 1500. He's going to sell it this fall before he returns to Naples so who cares? Jeeze I wish I had the bucks to do things like that......


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well..would you look at our JoeV!! Is that a floating chair you are sitting on...?? Either that or you lost the other half of your raft.
well..would you look at our JoeV!! Is that a floating chair you are sitting on...?? Either that or you lost the other half of your raft.
That's the whole thing, and it's called a float tube. I bought it when I wore out my floating chair...


P.S. I know I am loved because you're all twisting my crank...and it feels real good, so don't stop lovin me.:wub:

P.S.S. For those who wonder why I would chase little bluegills, here's why...


The place is full of these little monsters, and tehy give a hell of a fight on a fly rod.
joe, i'm warning you now, i may be coming out to visit you. i need a day out playing practical jokes on fish.

that float tube is awesome!!! although, you sorta look like tim conway's "dorf". dorf goes fishing, as it were. :yum:

i took the seats out of my canoe, carpeted it for sound insulation, and put in those shorty beach chairs. also, i built a gunnel mount for an electric motor. dw is embarrassed to go in it, but it's a great little way to fish coves and inaccessible places.
I love your floating chair set-up, Joe. I have a similar setup at the coast. I have 3 of those resin lawn chairs that I have nailed the feet to 2 long boards so they don't blow away in the winds. Yeah, it's redneck, but everyone else does it too so I blend in.
That's the whole thing, and it's called a float tube. I bought it when I wore out my floating chair...


P.S. I know I am loved because you're all twisting my crank...and it feels real good, so don't stop lovin me.:wub:

P.S.S. For those who wonder why I would chase little bluegills, here's why...


The place is full of these little monsters, and tehy give a hell of a fight on a fly rod.
Joe- You could put a flying Bridge on that, Sun-bathe & BBQ!

Wow, I looked up Float Tubes and they are SO cool! I have zero interest in fishing, but I'd love to have one to just float along on!

Is it powered at all? I saw a picture of a guy sitting in a float tube with fins on his feet, so I assume his was foot-powered.

Wow, I looked up Float Tubes and they are SO cool! I have zero interest in fishing, but I'd love to have one to just float along on!

Is it powered at all? I saw a picture of a guy sitting in a float tube with fins on his feet, so I assume his was foot-powered.

Yes, it's foot powered. I have fins that fit over my wading boots, and you just flutter kick to move around. It takes a little practice, but in short order you figure how to make turns and spin around. It's quite safe as well, with each side having its own air chamber, and the seat bottom and back are also separate chambers.
Yes, it's foot powered. I have fins that fit over my wading boots, and you just flutter kick to move around. It takes a little practice, but in short order you figure how to make turns and spin around. It's quite safe as well, with each side having its own air chamber, and the seat bottom and back are also separate chambers.

I'm sure your seat "bottom" provides enough air to float a battleship! :wink:

I'm the paranoid-looking one, on the left (in the blue dress that FM made for me). :mrgreen:

The guilty-looking one, on the right, is my DH (and FM's son) Nick.
The look on her face with the eyes, and knowing he's FM's son leads me to think he's prob'ly playin' with her butt while the shutter's snappin!


I didn't say that, did I? :blush:
this what i USED to look like before life took it's toll!! i was young and ................................ young!!
