This is what my family and I look like!

What I look like without the helmet on! Also this was before my Low Carb diet This year. Dang- I Busted out my zipper on my leather on this trip! $35. To Replace.
Great pic, Dan! I know a lot of people who would kill to have your hair! BTW, where was that taken - it's beautiful!
Texasgirl- You would love thje guy who owns the company I do a Web Site for.
Looks like the guy above. I just about have him ready to join Net C.
He makes some great Iranian Dishes.
Oh Yea-FM, We were in Yosemite when that picture was took.
Tell him to join and start posting the pic!!!! oh, I mean, RECIPES!!:mrgreen:
Texasgirl- You would love thje guy who owns the company I do a Web Site for.
Looks like the guy above. I just about have him ready to join Net C.
He makes some great Iranian Dishes.
Oh Yea-FM, We were in Yosemite when that picture was took.
Ohhh, I know.

*Biskit searches the yellow pages, looking for a place that sells pecs like those*

(sniffle, snorffle, sob)