Sunday November 10 - Saturday 16 2024- What's On Our Plates

Today will be chicken fried cubed steak, mashed potatoes, and cucutzza. ( Italian Squash ), as we call it. Tina's back is doing better, so she was shopping in Chester ShopRite and the Bakery in Long Valley NJ. We don't have any decent bakeries here locally. The best are in Newark or Fairfield NJ.....
Calandra's bakery and deli being the best French and Italian baked breads. IMO .
Well, had leftover dough from last week's sheet pan pizza, so decided to reward my son for all his hard work.

More of my sauce, extra cheese (whole milk mozz with a bit of cheddar) and garlic, lots of garlic!


In the kitchen oven and Boom...


Got a nice 14" from the leftover stuff. Cheers all, and happy cooking!!
Today will be chicken fried cubed steak, mashed potatoes, and cucutzza. ( Italian Squash ), as we call it. Tina's back is doing better, so she was shopping in Chester ShopRite and the Bakery in Long Valley NJ. We don't have any decent bakeries here locally. The best are in Newark or Fairfield NJ.....
Calandra's bakery and deli being the best French and Italian baked breads. IMO .
I liked going to Calandra's bakery on 46 in Fairfield. They make fresh bread on the hour. Fresh seeded rye sliced and Italian round loaf. Nice and warm.
Lucky, you have the most wonderfully even grill marks on steaks that I've ever seen! What's your secret?

Smoking-hot grill - One minute, rotate, one minute... done... (do it to both sides, then when you plate, pick the best side for the pic !) Finish in a pre-heated 400 degree oven , 6-8 minutes, depending on thickness...
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Change of plans here.
I've been cleaning my apartment like a mad woman, now I don't feel like cooking lol
I'll throw a pot pie in the microwave and call it good enough.