Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

Andy the quad ride sounds like a ball. We still ride ATV's and thought of upgrading to a side by side (Kubota RTV or a Yamaha something) but I've procrastinated. Don't want to spend the money or sell the ATV's as they get us around just fine.

Neat pic of the kitty in a cup lifesaver. My wife just goes "ahhhhh; I want it". :yum:

Cool opossum Karen. Good pics. :D Do you plan to keep it indefinitely or what?
My son - rounding 3rd base, heading for home! Oh the concentration and dedication on his face! And my daughter running up and down a hill - over and over and over. :) Kinda reminded me of Little House on the Prarie. LOL!



well, thanx , there, mhend w/ your own comment. gave me a laugh-&-a-half.
i sorta envision this 1:

'Pa, could we load those curds into the cheese-hoops while 'Ma makes porridge?!'
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Mhend - Your daughter is truly a princess. She reminds me of a little girl princess that I used to have a long time ago.

You still have your princess, Andy - she's just a little bigger!



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I just love this thread!

Everyone's pictures are such a joy to behold!

QSis said:
Everyone's pictures are such a joy to behold!

I love it, too! Thanks to everyone who takes the time to share bits and pieces of your lives with the rest of us. Mhend, your children are treasures. I love the look of concentration on your son's face, and remember that so clearly when my own son played Little League (he'll be 40 on his next birthday!) And your daughter is an expression of pure joy and innocence. Cherish every moment.
Thank you guys! Andy - I know what you mean. Time is flying by! Karen, you are so sweet! I'm so afraid I'll forget something - a certain look or a smile - that I take entirely too many pictures I'm sure, but I love it. It's wild to go back and see how quickly they change. And I love this thread too!

Luvs, when I took those photos, the theme song to Little House just kept playing over and over in my head! LOL! It took forever to stop humming that tune.
at a nearby dog park today...


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Went to visit a BBQ partner at his log cabin home in the mountains of Vermont last weekend. The foliage was past its peak, but the view from Ward's deck is still amazing.

QBro and I brought lobsters and steamers, Ward and his lady provided grilled lamb, vegs. and appetizers.

We swapped gifts from our areas of New England: we gave them two pounds of flavored coffees from the coffee factory in our town, some special season salt only made on Martha's Vineyard, some fresh herbs from our garden and a jar of pesto.

They gave us a jug of maple syrup (it's tapped and made on their property), Vermont cheeses and fresh apples.

Great time!



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    7, Ward's, Damn, we DO!.JPG
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Great pictures PC and Q-Sis.

Food looks amazing, Q-Sis, and I love the dog/man pic...perfect shot!
Love the pics, Q-Sis. Bet it was beautiful there! The colors are starting to change here. What a wonderful time of the year!
The look on the dog's face - there seems to be some important communication going on there! What a beautiful place! I can see that it was a noteworthy food event, as well. PC, the fall colors are lovely - is that your doggie with the big smile?
Thanks, everyone!

Karen, the man is our friend, Ward, and the dog, Whacker, is his.

Yep, that's our dog, Buddy. He loves it at this park. It's along the Oregon Trail, wild, but close to the house, along the river.
mhend, they are all great, but that first photo could win a photo contest!

Nice going!

mhend, your kids are beautiful!

qsis, your vermont trip looked fun. i lovermont, as the bumper sticker says.

your pals have their own sugar shack for syrup? wow, i need new friends. :wink:
Thanks, Cooksie! I have been shopping for about 2 years and finally decided on the Nikon D3000. I love it so far - extremely easy to use and FUN! :clap:

Great choice, I have been a dedicated Nikonian for years!

Great thread too, thanks for sharing, everyone!

A few from my recent holiday:



Up in Scarborough


My Dads home, Sheffield


Oldest Building/Pub in Sheffield, opened in 1437. An AMAZING space, and rumored to be VERY haunted


Donington Park



Doncaster, a day at the races



Great pictures, Ralph - thanks for sharing them with us. Gotta love those fish and chips - what's the green stuff? Looks kinda like guacamole, but it must be mushy peas...when I lived in England, we could still get fish and chips in a rolled up newspaper!
Mmmmmmm mushy peas!!
You still can Karen, (get them in paper)-- didn't have them in newspaper when I lived there.
The scraps are the best part..;)