Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

I've been reading about tarantulas - they are mildly venomous, but not dangerous. This guy was not at all aggressive - he just wanted to get away from us.
Aww Tom, what a pretty, fluffy pussy you have.

Karen, I love spiders, snakes.. all creatures really.
My oldest son Jeff and his family have a boa named Eden and they had a tarantula at one time named Jack Sprat.
Sadly Jack passed and was flushed down the toilet.
Jeff and Misty have a zoo in their home, full of Dachshunds (3 now), siamese cats (4), one bird, Elvis- a big parrot who cusses and screams, several fish.
thanks kimchee, karen, and sass. :biggrin:

karen, it ain't a home without a pet. :flowers:

lol, sass. i'd better not reply to that one. :whistle:

kim, he was pretty skinny when we got him from the shelter. he had been taken from an animal hoarder's house where he had to battle with 27 other cats for food. but now he's really filling out, especially his mane. he's just getting to full size at 2 years old.

jeeks, it's pronounced more like what you get with a squished spider. lol.

here's the second pic that didn't show up, playing ball:


here's mush's big brother, our maine coon hercules:


herc is a giant. around 20 pounds, and he's not fat. he's bigger than half of the dogs at the groomers when he goes for a bath and butt shave.
Hercules is a grand kitty! Just beautiful. And he definitely has a "don't f**k with me" look on his face. Gotta love those kitties.
Butt shave.... a lovely trait of Maine Coons...

Here is Baxter, he's our Maine Coon mix. Only about 18 pounds....

That dog is Nemo, my 80 pound black lab, for size reference.


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wow, kimchee, he's a linebacker! that's funny how they sleep together. head to toe, of course. great pics. :thumb:

i wonder if my herc would tolerate a dog. probably, since he really is a big pussy.
Wellll, if you notice, Nemo's eye is open... She tolerates Big Baxter, but would prefer he sleep elsewhere. He comes and bothers her while she is licking her paws, which is a habit of hers. Wants her to groom him, but Nemo isn't having any of that!!!!!
Lick a CAT????????????? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
But she does think they make yummy snacks in the dirt box, and their food is too.. so she SHOULD lick them and keep them happy, LOLOL!

Here is Baxter's fraternal twin, Duke, who is only around 8 pounds max.. this is when he was a tiny kitten... yeah, that's Nemo's paw...


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lol. a friend has a cat and a german shepard named blackie.

he calls the treats the cats leave in the litter box "cat jims", like slim jims.

blackie the dog loves 'em hot. :neutral:
ok, getting back to random pics, i just got this one from my buddy pork chop:

(i'm not sure if nsfw's are allowed, so admins, please delete if that's the rule.)


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Here is Baxter's fraternal twin, Duke, who is only around 8 pounds max.. this is when he was a tiny kitten... yeah, that's Nemo's paw...

Haha Kimchee. My cat likes to cuddle with my 100lb pit mastiff and groom/fight/play with my crazy Chihuahua mix.. of course she was first and is meaner so she keeps the boys in their place.
I spent the day with my daughter today. I went to where she was camped with her family. I got to go Quading (for the first time), A day in the sun and some interesting sights.

First pic balance rock, for obvious reasons.

Second pic, locally called The view"

Third pic my daughter Paula.

Fourth pic, my granddaughter Crystal.


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Looks like you had a very cool day - what a beautiful spot! Did you enjoy your quad ride? Lots of people here drive quads - right out in the traffic! Our next door neighbor sends his 7-year-old son to the corner store on one, all by himself. Yikes. Nice un-posed pic of your granddaughter - in a thoughtful moment.
I really enjoyed the quad ride. Of all the motorcycling that I have done, I never rode a quad before. Long story short, it was to have been me on Crystal's quad (Special privilege there as she doesn't let ANYONE drive her quad) and my daughter. My Son in law Jim was making lunch. I suggested that I ride Jim's quad and all three of us go. Jim had no problem with it and both ladies told me they didn't know how to start it. I accomplished that. Final statement for Jim "Be careful it is VERY powerful.

With Crystal in the lead and Paula holding up the rear off we went. Quads are a lot different. Sometimes they develop a mind of their own steering and I was not used to how far I could go on an angle before tipping. After I got the hang of it, I had a great time. Actually every second was great. Jim was right, Crystal's is a 500 cc Polaris. IT had the biggest engine, but it is heave and has an automatic trans. Paula's is a 350 cc, but a four strioke. Jim's is a 250 cc and a two stroke. A good hard push on the throttle will bring the front end off the ground. Later in the ride Paule told me that is why no one else but Jim rides it.

Yes, I had a great time.

Crystal and I have been a bit at odds, but, I think we are back on track, an extra bonus for the day.
Looks like a beautiful day and sounds like you had a lot of fun with your family, Andy!

That is an adorable little kitty! Reminds me of our Millie when she was little. Here's an update on Milo, who has more than doubled in size since we rescued him 12 days ago. I have to wrap him in a washcloth to feed him because he is so wiggly - so here is our opossum burrito! He loves to crawl all over us...needs lots of snuggling and attention, but he sure is cute (or at least we think so).


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A picture of my daughter having fun outside. She was concentrating very hard on trying to catch a butterfly! :)

great pic, mhend!
Here's some from a drive we took Monday, late afternoon. This is about 15 minutes from our house...


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Beautiful scenery out there phiddlechik. :thumb:

She sure looks to be a princess mhend!!!!! GREAT pic!!!!! :clap: You captured the moment for sure. :thumb: