Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

Thanks QSis and Dee! Uncle Ralph, those look like professional shots, love 'em!

A little visitor today:

Wow, cooksie - that looks alot like a baby iguana!

I though some of you might enjoy an update on Milo...he is growing fast, and weighs over a pound now (he started out at about 25 grams, and could curl up in Jerry's palm). For those of you with an innate aversion to opossums, know that he is an incredibly affectionate little creature. These pics show him lavishing love on Jerry - licking his head and cuddling up to him:


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He just LOVES Jerry. Yes, I am the one who fed him with a syringe for WEEKS, but he loves Jerry better than anything....
Keltin said:
DW asked me the other day what Milo eats?

His main diet is dry cat and dog food. But what he really likes is BUGS. Fortunately, we live in the tropics, and there are quite a few available. We catch them and hand them to him, and he grabs them and gobbles them up, especially beetles and those big cockroaches. Yum! He eats with his hands, like a squirrel. Very cute. According to all the places I've researched, he is also supposed to eats fruits and vegetables, but he doesn't seem to care for them.
My goodness Milo has grown. Love that second pic! Try giving him some corn. When the armadillos were tearing up our yard, we set out sweetheart traps and put corn cobs in them. It never failed. We always got a possum or two. The wild ones are pretty scary....hissssss :eek:. Milo is obviously a little sweety though :).
Thanks, Cooksie - we'll try some corn. There is plenty of corn here! From what I have read about opossums, that hissing, tooth-baring stuff is all a bluff, and they are really quite gentle. If they feel really threatened, they just fall over in a faint. Milo has done it a few times when he got really excited about something...they just "play opossum."
My goodness how he has grown, Karen! He's getting to be quite a little man! We keep dishpans full of cat food outside next to the garage and we have a couple of opossums who visit regularly. They also like the canned cat food that we put out from time to time. If we have salad mix start to go bad, I'll put that out there for them too.

I've never understood why some people don't want them around. They eat all kinds of bugs, snakes, mice, rats and all of the other critters you don't want hanging around your house and as far as I can tell, they don't seem to "destroy" anything. They never bothered my small garden but they may be because we feed them quite well :lol:.
Mama said:
I've never understood why some people don't want them around.

Me either, mama. Opossums get a very bad rap, probably because they look a bit like big rats (that tail is amazing), and they do that hissing thing that scares people. But Milo, at least, is a really friendly and affectionate little critter. Thanks for being such a good neighbor to your opossums, mama- you are a kind person.
While we're all sharing what's on the table in another thread, I thought Id share what's under the table.


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Got out for some fun, and to shoot my buddys 1 year anniversary for the production company he runs.



Marvin:The Clown Prince, and DJGrom

I click on the graphics links in the mail notifications, when this popped up in hte browser my first thought was:


Looks like Weed.

Just a couple of my kids over Thanksgiving. My son is playing football with his dad and my daughter is splashing about in rain puddles. :) It was such a relaxing holiday weekend!

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