Let's talk about our pets.


Gold Site Supporter
You may have noticed my new avitar. It is a picture of me (sns 65#) and my best buddy Bear. Bear's birthday will be soon (March 10th). He will be ten. His "brother" Liam (my black lab) will be ten this week (The 28th).

Most of my evenings end as in that picture with one of them on my lap and the other close by. My days start with Bear's head laying on the bed with him standing on the floor next to the bed, tail wagging a mile a minute.

We have had them pretty much their entire life and they take good care of us.

Maybe some of you have a close friend you want to have say hi.


New member
Very sweet, Adillo.
I lost my best buddy and it broke my heart. A pure bread Dalmatian. Extremely intelligent animal. She understood English but couldn't talk. It was amazing.
I said I didn't want to go thru that kind of pain again so vowed to never own another pet.
I've had my share but mostly birds.
I do miss the companionship, tho.


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Congratulations on the weight loss Andy! That is awesome!!!!

My youngest baby (Maya) will be 7 on April 15th. We got her when she was 4 weeks from the parking lot at PetSmart where someone was giving away puppies. The first pic is the day we brought her home.

The white German Shepherd came to live with us about 5 years ago. We have no idea how old she is but the best estimate by the vet is about 10. She lived in the woods near Yamaha's distribution center where my husband drives a tractor trailer. They called her Yamaha and people would leave food for her but could never get close to her. DH finally tamed her. It took a year or so of daily food, water and talking to her but the day she came up to him and gave him sugars is the day he brought her home. As you can see, she loves to eat, especially milk bones, (we have managed to get her to lose 6 lbs. since this picture but she still has a ways to go) and only goes outside now when we she has to use the potty or we make her. I guess she's had enough of the great outdoors :lol: We call her Yama.


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Gold Site Supporter
Gorgeous puppies Mama. Thegrindre - I cannot bear to even think of that day.

Bear is a rescue as well Mama. Someone we know bought him from a pet store, he has papers and a chip and all. She bought him on a whim and did not stop to think that lab puppies grow (a lot), they are very active (Especially if there are tow of them). One of her friends told her that she had to keep him caged. She did just that LITERALLY. He ate slept and spent 34 hours a day in the cage. I am pretty sure he was beaten as well. I dorve three hours to get him when I found out.

She let him out of the cage, he walked over to me sniffed my ankle and got in the truck. He made his decision just that fast and never looked back. ince that day, he is by my side as much as he can be.

mama said:
Congratulations on the weight loss Andy! That is awesome!!!!

Thank you. Now for the hard part, keeping it off.


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
I've never understood how people can be so cruel Andy. If she didn't want him, she could have given him away at any time especially since he was a purebred with papers....it just doesn't make sense. He sure seems happy now though!


Grill Master
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My darling cat, Bud, is approaching his 17th birthday in a couple of months. He may be the most photographed cat in the universe, and I have many print photos from the time well before I had a digital camera!

Rick (thegrindre), I empathize with you - I know the heartbreak of losing beloved pets. But nothing mends a broken heart like a puppy or a kitten or adopting an adult animal who badly needs love and a safe home. The joy that they bring to a home is worth the pain of loss when they leave it.

Here are "a couple" of photos of my beloved. :heart::heart::heart:



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Gold Site Supporter
Mama said:
I've never understood how people can be so cruel Andy. If she didn't want him, she could have given him away at any time especially since he was a purebred with papers....it just doesn't make sense. He sure seems happy now though!

I cannot understand that either. While I regret any suffering that was put upon him by others, I am ecstatic that he came my way. I do not know if I ever posted, but, I have two artificial hips. Bear came to us between the first and second. Just before surg (#2) it was very painful for me to do most anything. If I had to kneel he (without any training) would come to me and sit for me to use his shoulder to get up on. His "brother" Liam cam to me when I came home from the hospital sniffed all over me till he found the incision. When I sat down he sat next to me and put his throat over the incision and would let no one near me all day. They are a blessing.


Gold Site Supporter
Lee - I have always liked cats as well. I love the way that they can get into things and are driven by curiosity. They also make great company.


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Ahhhh Lee, he is a doll....and a ham :lol: You're right, I've lost several pets over the years and although it's heartbreaking to loose a love one, I've not once had any regrets about having them in my life. We lost a dog to old age (Bubby) a year and a half before Maya found us. The joy Maya brought reminded us of all of the good times we had with Bubby. Now, instead of looking back and being sad, we smile thinking about all of the good times and joy that Bubby brought us.

One of my favorite memories of Bubby is when my DD was a toddler. She came in from playing in the backyard with Bubby one day while I was doing the dishes. She was crying. We have a detached 2-car garage in the backyard and there is a small hill behind it. She said, "I was out behind the garage trying to teach Bubby how to be a sheep dog in case we get some sheep and I fell down and bumped my head". Sometimes it's hard to keep a straight face....I didn't have the heart to tell her that they don't allow sheep in a subdivision :lol: .

That's so sweet Andy. They really are our best friends.


New member
Lee, I can't agree. I also heard of an abused Dalmatian and drove miles to get her as did Andy but when I had to put her asleep 6 years later because of some sickness, I was sick for three days.
No more pets for me. I can't take it. I get far far too attached to have to loose another one.

I like that 'fat cat' you got there, Lee. My mother had a very similar one called 'Minute".
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Mountain man

Entree Cook
Gold Site Supporter
Here are a few of ours. It is a dang zoo around here.:yum:


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Gold Site Supporter
Cool pets MM. I am glad to see you still have some birds. I know the loss of some of them recently hurt.

Mountain man

Entree Cook
Gold Site Supporter
We lost the little one on the play stand and the big one with his wings spread. Did not bother posting all the cats and the others. I live in a zoo for real.


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It's easy for folks to see that I am owned by a cat. He jumped up onto my lap this morning just before I had to leave. My dark jeans and black top were covered with fur.


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I have two kittens (just about 10 months old now, born 5/5/12), one of which lost an ear to a car motor when he climbed into and it was started catching his ear in the belt system. Both of these where feral kittens who's momma I feed regularly. Daddy is a big Russian blue by the way but the only pictures I have of them was taken when they where about a month or so old. She had 4 but only these two survived through weening. I've since had them both fixed a male and female and now live in my loading room. Now with that said they keep taking parts off my reloading press, namely the end caps that fit on the tube that holds spent primers.

The first one is Sock VanGo (male and lost his right ear and had to taken even with his head, no hearing problems). The second is his sister and I call her smokey and a female. The last picture is their mother who I gentled down enough to pet and pick up, lives under my back porch or in my storage shed show in the first pictures. I would guess her age as now about 2 years old.

I now have 5 house cats and 4 feral cats that live out doors, 2 females and two males however the males seem to go to 4 when the females go into heat..


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Grill Master
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Gold Site Supporter
I love this thread!

What beautiful and wonderful animals!

And the stories you all have show how beautiful and wonderful people you are!



These are my girls... Nellie the golden lab, and Nemo the black lab.
Got both of them when they were wee pups, and most definitely
I am their Pack Dad. I work from home, so all their life they have
hung out with me all day. They love their Mom (my wife), but.....
Both are about 9 1/2 now, Nemo is getting a bit lumpy from
fatty tumors, but they are both still quite happy to take a
3-4 mile walk, especially if it's warm and they can swim in the
Nellie is here to please, she learns any trick that involves food
almost instantly, ahah! Nemo... she is above such base things
like barking for a cookie, but tell her to guard the house and
she will watch out the front window all day long and bark at
whatever moves!
Love my girls!


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New member
Gold Site Supporter
These are my girls... Nellie the golden lab, and Nemo the black lab.
Got both of them when they were wee pups, and most definitely
I am their Pack Dad. I work from home, so all their life they have
hung out with me all day. They love their Mom (my wife), but.....
Both are about 9 1/2 now, Nemo is getting a bit lumpy from
fatty tumors, but they are both still quite happy to take a
3-4 mile walk, especially if it's warm and they can swim in the
Nellie is here to please, she learns any trick that involves food
almost instantly, ahah! Nemo... she is above such base things
like barking for a cookie, but tell her to guard the house and
she will watch out the front window all day long and bark at
whatever moves!
Love my girls!

I had a black lab female for 18 years and she was the best dog I ever owned. I owned two after a Jack Russel also lived 18 years and a pound dog that we had for 6 years before he died. After that I decided no more dogs and followed my wife lead with her cats. I simply get too attached to dogs even more so than cats though I have two now and had a great Russian blue that also recently passed. My other cats tolerate me and but are really hers. The two kittens beyond a doubt are mine since I've been feeding them since they first started eating solid food. My wife in the last month has been able to pet them.


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A recent pic of my Grand puppy. She’s about 12.
Edit: when I’m chilling on the deck she likes to poke her head up when my leg is crossed lol
What else can your dog do? I know they are very smart and easily trainable.

My sister's family is all about labs. They even had one in a wedding. I thought that was pretty cool.
What can my cats do? They're superior beggars. They're superior alarm clocks. They're superior annoyers at times :mrgreen:.