Issue or questions about NEW Xenforo Forum Software


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I never searched a thread. I've searched for threads but never in a thread.


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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All I know about spoilers is when you post about a book or movie. If you don't want give away the ending or whatever, you put it in a spoiler for those who haven't read the end of the book or watched the end of the movie. Then people have the choice of reading the spoiler or not.
Can you please show me how to do this and how to look at a spoiler? TIA

I wonder if we can create polls.
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I'm Lost I think ? Helloooo!... It's me, Jimmy!
Did I fall off a wall""?.... ? Is my tv broke? ????‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️ All the king's horses, and
all the king's men, couldn't put me together! hahahahahaha
I thinnk i'm gonna like this. No?...


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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I'm getting used to this new format.

It is definitely easier to post YouTube links using the "Media" option above.
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Nice Pen. I agree posting a pic is mucho easier. Different but easier once used to it.


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I REALLY don't like the phone version!
I thought it was ugly and needs redesigned but what didn't you like about viewing NCT on your phone? What were you using, you phone web browser or tapa talk or something else? The more details you give the more I might be able to make a change for the better.


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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I thought it was ugly and needs redesigned but what didn't you like about viewing NCT on your phone? What were you using, you phone web browser or tapa talk or something else? The more details you give the more I might be able to make a change for the better.
Safari phone browser

It's just not user-friendly to me.
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🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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Look at the example pictures.

Example 1 (In your status window. Highlight line underneath)



Example 2 (In a thread. Click the spoiler)



  • spoiler-3.JPG
    23.6 KB · Views: 2
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I think that is just the jpg of the spoiler Peeps.


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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I think that is just the jpg of the spoiler Peeps.
I snipped (used the snipping tool) those myself. One was a screenshot because when I tried to snip the pop up disappeared.
Click the blue Spoiler box to see the hidden message.

Peek-a-boo! Hi there.
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Thanks for the example of the spoiler. Kewl. I like it.
Did you post that from your phone or a laptop/desktop?


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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Thanks for the example of the spoiler. Kewl. I like it.
Did you post that from your phone or a laptop/desktop?
From my laptop. I don't think I will be using my phone much. I just don't like the way it looks/works.
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Looking better every day. Thanks Doc and others who are helping :thumbup:
Thanks cooksie. I Agree. It's tough but getting better / easier to navigate. I have to work for the old forum for some things and I look at it and think ugg-ly. LOL It all just takes time and familiarity. As we all figure it out and help each other it gets easier. I've learned a lot about XF in the past couple days. This forum is busier than net tractor talk where I first did the XF migration. Busier means more questions and more things to figure out. It's all good. We will get there.


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From my laptop. I don't think I will be using my phone much. I just don't like the way it looks/works.
I hated VB on my phone. Used tapa talk if I had to but avoided it like the plague. I find XF much easier to use on the phone I still prefer the good ole laptop but in a pinch I'll use Safari on the phone. Once the dust settles I will check to see if they offer an add on to make using a mobile device even better.