Dry-Roasted Grasshoppers


New member
This is a Middle East recipe, And I have eaten them dipped in Chocolate.

Dry-Roasted Grasshoppers
Start with 24 live insects. Place them in a colander and cover with cheesecloth. Rinse with lukewarm water and place in the freezer. After 20 minutes or so, they will be dead but not frozen. Remove the head, wings and hind legs. Spread them on a cookie sheet and bake at 200°F for 2 hours, until they are dried. Eat them as they are or dip them directly into melted chocolate or warmed honey.
Honestly, Rustpot - have you made these???



My Children and I took butterfly nets and gathered about 2 dozen. To clean the grasshoppers
you pull the head backwards over it's back and all the insides comes out attached to the head. Cooked this way they are crunchy.
My Children and I took butterfly nets and gathered about 2 dozen. To clean the grasshoppers
you pull the head backwards over it's back and all the insides comes out attached to the head. Cooked this way they are crunchy.

Yuck!! :yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk:
I have eaten them dried and also fried. Haven done the chocolate. I like spicy, use dry spices or they come out soggy. I don't clean them out just wash them good. Then fry or dry. They are really pretty good, crunchy. CF
A gal on Most Shocking just ate one of those big cockroaches!! As a bet that she could swallow it!!!! Wouldn't be me!!! :yuk::yuk::yuk:
Safeco Field has fried grasshoppers on the menu this year. I'll have to try them once and will take pictures, of course.