
New member
Re: Happy Birthday Ian :)

Ian my Friend, you are one lucky Dude. Fallon what a great surprise hope all enjoy it. Happy Birthday Guy. CF:bdaycake:

Ian M.

New member
Re: Happy Birthday Ian :)

Again, thanks everybody for all those kind wishes. We did have a great time tonight, getting happy birthday sung to us by a moose (I'll have to point out to DW that I'm now too darned old to be embarrassed that way in public but at least my brothers had to deal with it too) and I saw Fallon's earlier post about what they all planned for us. Yes, it's occasionally been kind of a spoiler to have two brothers whose birthdays are the same day as privacy, and as a kid we often had to share one great big birthday present, but they're the best friends any kid ever had! I wouldn't trade the fun of being one of three for anything................


Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
Re: Happy Birthday Ian :)

Ian, I am glad you enjoyed Bugaboo Creek and the moose lol

I've a friend who works for the naval war college in RI.
As a treat, she took me to the one in Warwick.. didn't tell me a thing.
We're sitting at the bar, and all the sudden the moose starts moving and singing (this was Christmas and he had a Santa hat on) :D

Glad you had a great birthday!

Ian M.

New member
Re: Happy Birthday Ian :)

Hi, Sass...Yeah, that old moose is really a trip. My personal favorites at Bugaboo are the flopping fish and that cute little raccoon that lives in the barrel and pops out to visit occasionally. He's such a cutie and we always try to get a table right next to him whenever we go there. The food is great, too! Especially the rainbow trout!

Ian :eat1:

Ian M.

New member
Re: Happy Birthday Ian :)

Sass, you'll have to ask your friend at the Naval War College if she ever knew a Commander Charles Ake. He's a distant relative of Fallon's and taught there for a number of years. Nice guy!



Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Happy Birthday BamsBBQ!!!!

Happy Birthday Bams :happybday1:

I think you are on the road, but whereever you are I hope you have a totally fantastic day. :dancing: :thewave: :thewave: :beer:

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
Re: Happy Birthday BamsBBQ!!!!

Hey Jeff!!



Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
Re: Happy Birthday Ian :)

Sass, you'll have to ask your friend at the Naval War College if she ever knew a Commander Charles Ake. He's a distant relative of Fallon's and taught there for a number of years. Nice guy!


She said: No Charles Ake on the global listing so he might be retired, on a ship or overseas.
She's also now working at the Naval Justice School and has been for the last few years (something that was news to me.. see? it helps to keep up with old friends) :biggrin:


Ni pedo
Site Supporter
Thanks guys. I am.going to be enjoying my day off in sunny So Cal. 1 block from the beach. The ribeye will be grilled later. :)

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk

Ian M.

New member
Re: Happy Birthday Ian :)

Sass, you're an absolute gem to go to all that trouble to try to see if your friend knew my DW's distant relative. As a matter of fact, he is retired now for several years and is currently living in Florida in some ritzy enclave. The one time I met him he was living in Newport, RI and was still connected to the War College in whatever department he taught in. As I said previously, a very nice person but since I wasn't even a blip on the naval radar screen, I felt a bit out of my depth trying to talk to all those white uniforms that day. Rather intimidating when every uniform was filled by someone with scrambled eggs on their hat! I just made myself into a very small dust ball in the corner and simply said "yes, Sir" every time anyone came near me. Worked just fine except when a very attractive young lady with a pretty white uniform introduced herself to me......................she assured me that she was NOT a "yes, Sir" as she was both a Wave and an E7, (whatever the heck that is) neither of which required anyone to call her "Sir" of any kind. Old knucklehead Ian slunk quietly back to his corner and DW, to whom I wasn't married at the time, yelled at me later on, but that's just par for the coarse. You can't win 'em all but it sure would be nice to tie a few!

Ian :dizzy:
Last edited:


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Re: Happy Birthday BamsBBQ!!!!

Ohhh, sounds as if you ARE having a terrific birthday, Jeff!

Enjoy the rest of it!



Well-known member
Re: Happy Birthday BamsBBQ!!!!

Happy belated Birthday Bams...

I'm sure you had a great one...or two..or more!


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Re: Hello im sweet_tooth

Welcome to NCT! Would you like to share a little about yourself and how you found us?


Re: Hello im sweet_tooth

i am a guy that likes anime,games,listening to Michael Jackson,collecting knives, collecting Forgin currency,cooking,jokes,the Paranormal,and i enjoy watching mysterys at the museum


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Re: Hello im sweet_tooth

Welcome on NCT, Sweet Tooth!

What are some of your favorite recipes to make?



Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
Re: Hello im sweet_tooth

It sounds like you will fit in here very nicely!

We have a couple of guys here who really know their knives. Buzz, joec and UnConundrum to name a few.