Answer a question with a question!

Did you know I need (le) to get to work right now, and will probably be using a few needles myself? lol

See ya'z this evening!!
and if I lived there...don't ya think we'd get in trouble and don't ya think our butts might get chunkier and don't ya think our husbands might play toooo much x-box and don't ya think I think TOOO much? lol!!!
oooo but wouldnt it be sooooo fun???

Let's see here. We'd have to buy;
1: shovel
2: ice scraper
3: salt
4: snowmobile
5: ice auger for winter fresh fish
6: plane tickets out of there in January
7: earmuffs so that we couldn't hear people laughing at us for being Viking fans
8: translation booklet to interpret Fargo talk
9: a giant wall so Biskit couldn't sneak across the border
10: mosquito spray

Does it sound like a good deal?
wow, was that 10 of 1001 reasons NOT to live in MN?

YES! did they take ANOTHER ship while I was out teaching a little girl hopscotch??!?!?