buzzard767 golfaknifeaholic Apr 8, 2009 #6,272 would you like to work until you're dead on a "farm" in Costa Rica where you get to sample the products?
would you like to work until you're dead on a "farm" in Costa Rica where you get to sample the products?
homecook New member Apr 8, 2009 #6,273 Do you know I wouldn't mind it? I may as well die somewhere warm. lol
buzzard767 golfaknifeaholic Apr 8, 2009 #6,276 suziquzie said: beats dying shoveling snow..... or poop doesn't it? Click to expand... Don't shovel. Use a machine. Either a snow blower or a poop pusher, yes?
suziquzie said: beats dying shoveling snow..... or poop doesn't it? Click to expand... Don't shovel. Use a machine. Either a snow blower or a poop pusher, yes?
homecook New member Apr 8, 2009 #6,277 Do you know we don't have a snowblower? We have a friend that snow plows our drive. lol
suziquzie New member Apr 8, 2009 #6,280 do you know its attached to a tractor and there's WAY too many knobs n levers for me?
PieSusan Tortes Are Us Apr 8, 2009 #6,281 Do you know that I have someone come and clean my driveway for me?
PieSusan Tortes Are Us Apr 8, 2009 #6,283 Would you believe that my driveway is too long to shovel and that I could never keep up with the snow?
Would you believe that my driveway is too long to shovel and that I could never keep up with the snow?
Miniman Mini man - maxi food Apr 8, 2009 #6,284 Do you know we don't get enough snow to justify a machine? I've two boys who do it instead.
suziquzie New member Apr 8, 2009 #6,290 can you keep it this time, or send it to canada and not here?
Miniman Mini man - maxi food Apr 8, 2009 #6,293 Is it true that it is nearly always raining in Seattle?
lilylove Active member Apr 8, 2009 #6,294 LOL... well do you know we just had two beautiful SUNNY days and Paul and I think SUMMER is over?
PieSusan Tortes Are Us Apr 8, 2009 #6,297 Miniman, has anyone ever told you that you have a great sense of humor? lol