Years ago, I listened to an interview with Les Paul... he talked about a time when he would drive into NYC to take care of business periodically... He usually would stop for a bite in Jersey on his way... one time, at the "lounge " where he sometimes stopped, there was a young man on the satge, auditioning for a night gig... He was playing a Gibson Les Paul, restrung upside - down.... He found the music interesting... On his way back home, he stopped to see if the kid got the gig... Manager, whom Mr. Paul was friends with, told him that the playing was too weird for his taste, so he sent him on his way... Fast forward to a year later, when Les was in London on business... as usual when he went there, his business manage in the country would have a stack of albums of the latest sounds happening on the British scene... While Les was thumbing through the albums, who's face do you think he saw on an album cover...
.... took me a second ...
There was an episode of The Big Bang Theory where Howard has his tool caught in a robot arm, and the hospital lady announces it on the PA. Upon Howard's asking if she cannot be a little discreet, the nurse says "I'm sorry we don't have a code for a robot arm grasping a man's penis".
The shoulder massage. Lol.I remember that episode. You could tell there was going to be a bad outcome when he first thought about it.
Heard on the news--- Phil is right 32 % of the time...