2021 Edition - What have you baked lately?

That sugar plum bread reminds me of the little loaves Steve's Mother would make at Christmas.
She was from Liverpool and they were said to be a local Christmas pudding, but I can't remember what she called them.
Is that something you could google as a Liverpool thing?
After watching all the British Baking Shows so many times
I am amazed at all the different things there are to bake.
Ive save some but don’t know I will ever attempt them.

Usually we would put butter on the slices but it is so good
we haven’t bothered.
Well, I was wrong about the frosting of the chocolate cookies.

That sugar plum bread reminds me of the little loaves Steve's Mother would make at Christmas.
She was from Liverpool and they were said to be a local Christmas pudding, but I can't remember what she called them.
I just googled Liverpool Christmas pudding and am overwhelmed by how many there are.