What is Your Weather?

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
We had another round of drenching storms today.
It's going to be cooler for a few days now.
When I went shopping, the main street that they've been working on was flooded in spots.
I hope the city gets that fixed soon!

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
Looks like the remnants of Beryl will miss us.
Heavy rain tomorrow though. 🌧️


Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
We got a lot of heavy rain overnight from Beryl.
At 2am I could hear it.
East Toledo has a lot of trees down and flooding.
It's tracking up into Canada, but we're still getting rain and maybe thunderstorms tonight.


Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
We had a severe storm come through around 2:30.
I knew there were warnings out, but holy cow.
The temp dropped 20 degrees in an hour.
Right now it's moved to south Cleveland, where they're getting really hammered.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
Cool and beautiful days here.
Turned off the central air last night, opened the windows and woke up freezing lol

Ty and Felicia travelled to the outer banks, kid-free- enjoying the weather and the beach.