What's On The Plates Sunday February 16 - Saturday 22 2025

Flat top grilled ham (out of the freezer from Christmas) with roasted cauliflower in olive oil
Thanks! It's a Smithyfield sliced ham. We got it after Christmas when Basha's had an abundance! 10 lb ham for $9!
It's been making a lot of meals lol
Buzz threw it on the flat top

I did the same thing - bought a 9 lb. Carando spiral-sliced ham for $7 last month. The lady in the meat department pointed them out to me, since the markdown prices were not stickered on the hams.

I froze it until I can figure out what I want to do with it. Maybe when the weather gets warmer I'll do Dr. Chicken's Double-Smoked Ham. It's been a long time since I've done one and it's fantastic! https://netcookingtalk.com/forums/threads/dr-chickens-double-smoked-ham.22224
