What is Your Weather?

It's just starting to hit with heavy rain, and I can hear the thunder.
Good news, the emergency for a tornado has been lifted. Whew!
Looks like we're in for more possible severe weather.
After last night's tornadoes south of here I'll be sure to keep my eyes on the sky.
Celina, Ohio had many injured with one casualty.
Lots of rain and wind. Damage East and North East of here.

West in Allentown, Bethlehem, and Stroudsburg, Pa. is now cleared of storms.
It's east of us here, and the purple clouds are getting less and less.
Time to open the windows again. 63 F outside. Nice!
Mega-Clappers ! Torrential rain.... no tornado, but very violent storm.....
Came and went, then came and went again !
Probably have water in the basement... haven't looked yet ...
As long as I don't go out until it passes, I'll be fine.
Brick building, with a laundry room downstairs.
There's supposed to be a lull, but it's going to carry on well into the night.

Last evening, about 7:30, Beautiful sunset happening..... suddenly, a black sky, pelting rain (it was hitting the front window so hard, I thought at first it was hail) and the front flag pole was whipping back and forth 10-15 degrees.... :hide:

...........Over in ten minutes, then the clear skies and calm..... Microburst ??
We had two ceiling fans going in the apartment.
I woke up from my nap freezing, then turned the central air down.
There's such a nice breeze going from one end of the house to the other.....
Wish we could have days like this all summer (Sigh!):a1:
I / We love cool / cold ......
So does the gas company. What!!!!......Yep, the heat was on in the spare bedroom downstairs. """$ puh $ Puh $ PUH!!!'''

As dear Dad used to say..." Turn those lights off!" PP&L is down there; doing a happy dance, over my S. O. A B!txh'n Money!"