Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

Cooksie, Leni - does the Sweet Potato Vine like sun, shade or both?

I love it, too, but have never bought any.

Your climate has a lot to do with it. Here where it can easily hit 100+ I would have it in light shade. Our humidity goes down to single digits. Your area has more humidity and you are further north so full sun is a possibility. I'd ask the staff at your local nursery. They should know the growing conditions for your town.
Now this is my kind of hobby.

Cooksie, Leni - does the Sweet Potato Vine like sun, shade or both?

I love it, too, but have never bought any.


Mine gets shade in the morning and full sun in the afternoon. The care tag said "full sun," but it seems to be doing fine. It's a rapid grower and likes water.

Leni, check out the pink frost sweet potato vine. It's a variegated pink, white, and green, and it's gorgeous. I've never seen one in person, but when I do, I'll be toting it home.
The sweet potato vine is going crazy. It's trying to climb the wall. Something is chewing on the leaves :(. Three weeks from first pic:


Hypoestes/Polka Dot Plant - this one I can bring indoors when it gets too cold:


That's it for me this year. I'm not going to kill myself trying to keep everything watered.
Beautiful plants, Cooksie!

Re: the room of beer cans .... who has to DUST those things????

First thing I think of when I see collections of things.

I hung a set of 3 gingerbread men made of bird seed out in my garden today. They looked so cute that I had to take a couple of pix. (the third guy is out of the frame - you're not going blind!)

Tomorrow, the squirrels will have discovered them and they'll be gone.


How cute!

Had a visitor to my Pear tree yesterday -
You don't normally see these critters in these parts !

I wonder where her burrow is .........


Never knew this.

A spoon shape in the Persimmon means be ready to dig out the snow. A fork shape means a mild winter and a knife means cold and ice.

Son Larry knocked another of the Fifty off his list ...
...Limped out of Wisconsin, but finished.....

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