Prayers needed for my daughter, Jennifer.


Queen of the Jungle
Gold Site Supporter
More good news! Jennifer is getting her appitite back and is moving about the house more frequently. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. :)


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Ah, things are looking up, LS!

Our good thoughts are helping!



Food Sound Eng.
Gold Site Supporter
Hey Life Saver, sounds like we have alot of Life savers here with their prayers. Mine too.
My wife and I have 16 years clean and sober as of last Oct. We were both in our 40's, and using Alcohol and Drugs when our daughter was born. Hospital refused the baby to us. We jumped through all the hoops, and we got our daughter back.
We consider her as our miracle child. I am sure both my wife and I would of been long dead. 12 step programs can work, if your daughter wants them to work.
Jennifer is in my prayers. This is so sad. I remember losing too many of my friends from both Alcohol and Drugs.


Grill Master
i'm sorry to hear this, ls. of course prayers are on the way.

fortunately, as sass mentioned, the liver can be helped to repair itself in someone so young.

when she gets through this, talk to the docs about a drug called antabuse if she thinks about drinking again, which she will.


Quo Fata Ferunt
Site Supporter
when she gets through this, talk to the docs about a drug called antabuse if she thinks about drinking again, which she will.

I have to agree with this, one of my old sous chefs had a real, REAL bad prob, he did have the foresight through the "clean up process" to know he would re-lapse w/out help, and the pill did it. He had a beer "just to see" and paid for it for about 2 days. 2 days from his own stupidity is far better then a relapse into the trench. The only difference between a trench and the grave is the depth.

I wish you, and your daughter, well in this time of need. It is never easy facing down an addiction, but with a lot of positive people, a positive mindset and the benefit of youth, I am sure your girl can pull through! Best wishes to you and yours!


Food Sound Eng.
Gold Site Supporter
It has been a long time since I started sobriety. Anabuse is an excellent tool. I stayed on this drug my entire first year.
I worked with a guy, who drank only during the Holidays. Anabuse the rest of the year.
Jennifer would need a Dr. Prescribtion.


New member
lifesaver 91958
For the last year I've been going to lectures at one of our local hospitals about liver disease liver transplant kidney transplant and hepatitis C. If you don't know about this website, which I will post some links. Are group gets a lot of information from this site. It has all the latest medications that are in trial basis. The polymerase inhibitors that are coming out with a standard of care are having some great results. I just got back from a meeting tonight and thought of this post. They're making great advancements in this field. A lot of it has to do with genotype such as CC CT TT the CC genotype having the best results, then the CT at last the TT genotype. Anyway I will post some links to HCVADVOCATE.ORG . There's a lot of information from the site and you need to look around on it there. A lot of new clinical trials that are available and should be available in your area. These clinical trials are free. Yes , free, all blood tests, drugs, doctor visits and so on. All free! Some of the trials even pay you for office visits. That is, each time you go to the doctor. They pay you. There's a lot of talk about hep c at the site, but that is liver disease and the liver will regenerate itself the cirrhosis of the liver is scar tissue and a damaged liver will have bumps on it. That is the new cells growing on the outside of the scar tissue. There are also support groups like the one I was talking about that I go to, you just need to look around for them. May I suggest you ask your Dr. I'll post a few links that will get you started.

For some reason it will only let me post one link I have no idea why. If you can open this link to the 2010 open that then December and you'll see what I'm talking about in the body of this post. If you're not seeing what I'm talking about. PM me with your e-mail address and I'll talk to you via e-mail, which I can send you some more links about liver disease. From the


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