Prayers needed for my daughter, Jennifer.


Queen of the Jungle
Gold Site Supporter
Jennifer is only 29 and has been an alcoholic for the past 6 years. Jennifer has suddenly become very ill over the past three months and we just found out today that her liver is no longer working and her body is trying to shut down. Jennifer is gonna need all the prayers that she can get asking god to help perform a mircale on her.

I could also use a few prayers because I'm not handling the whole thing very well.


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
I'm so sorry to hear this LS. 29 is such a young age. I'll be keeping both of you in my prayers.

Is there anything that the medical community can do for her?


Joyfully Retired
Super Site Supporter
Oh LS, I am so sorry. I can only imagine what you must be going through. Of course, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
I'm so sorry LS. That is absolutely horrible. Good thoughts and prayers on the way for both you and your daughter. I wish there was something more I could do.


Resident Crone
Oh, Darlene! That's tragic! Of course all of our thought are with you. Please take what little comfort you can in the knowledge that we are all here holding your virtual hand.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Positive and healing thoughts being sent to you and your daughter, Lifesaver.

Her youth will work in her favor. I hope she has a strong will to fight!

We are here for you.


Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🍂🍃
Gold Site Supporter
Jennifer is only 29 and has been an alcoholic for the past 6 years. Jennifer has suddenly become very ill over the past three months and we just found out today that her liver is no longer working and her body is trying to shut down. Jennifer is gonna need all the prayers that she can get asking god to help perform a mircale on her.

I could also use a few prayers because I'm not handling the whole thing very well.

You got the prayers.
You've got the positive vibes coming your way.
Stay strong hun.
She's 29 and hopefully not a lot of damage has been done that's irreparable.
The liver is a mighty strong organ and can take a lot of abuse.
Keep us posted.
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The Invisible
Super Site Supporter
Oh honey, you definitely have my prayers for both of you! I'm so sorry you are going through this! {{{{{hugs}}}}}


Tortes Are Us
Super Site Supporter
Darlene, of course you have my prayers. I am sorry that I am just reading this now. Refuah shlema to your daughter. May she find recovery and the happiness that comes with it.


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
Site Supporter
You, your daughter and hub will be in my thoughts and prayers!! XOXOXOXOXO


New member
Oh Lord! I've been there. I was told that my 17 year old daughter had an incurable brain cancer. I didn't handle that very well either. I couldn't sleep or eat. I was very lucky in that she is the first surviver of that cancer. I really hope that your daughter will be as lucky. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. If you want to talk about it my email is I found that it helped me a lot.


New member
LS, my thoughts and prayers coming your way from here in Texas. Both of you take care and please keep us updated.




Queen of the Jungle
Gold Site Supporter
Thanks everyone! Jennifer is still hanging in there and has quit drinking the liquor. She's pretty sore all over and can hardly walk but she manages to get around the house with help. She's not holding food or liquids down too well but she got some meds for that.

I haven't been able to sleep or eat much but I'm taking one day at a time and still praying for her full recovery.


New member
My thoughts and prayers wll be wth you as well until I hear of her recovery!! May a Christmas miracle be granted to you guys!!

God Bless!


Active member
LS, just saw this. My thoughts and wishes are with her and you and all your family.
I hope she recovers and manages to stay away from the sauce.


Tortes Are Us
Super Site Supporter
Does Jennifer have delirium tremors? If so, she should really be checked out in the ER. Darlene, there are 12 step programs for her and for you. I hope you all get the love and support you need. Hugs and prayers.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🍂🍃
Gold Site Supporter
Thanks everyone! Jennifer is still hanging in there and has quit drinking the liquor. She's pretty sore all over and can hardly walk but she manages to get around the house with help. She's not holding food or liquids down too well but she got some meds for that.

I haven't been able to sleep or eat much but I'm taking one day at a time and still praying for her full recovery.

She'll be ok. :wink:
I am certain they have put her on a benzo classed med, as well as advising you all about her diet, rest and some counseling.
Just love her to death and keep her safe and warm and let her know how much she is loved.
You're a good Mommy and she's just where she needs to be now.


New member
I cannot imagine the hell you're going through right now. Prayers for Jennifer and just as many prayers for you. Stay in touch. My PM box is open for you, should you need an ear.


Queen of the Jungle
Gold Site Supporter
A little good news this morning! Jennifer says that her legs don't hurt as much but she's still having a lot of pain in her hands and sides. It seems that when she gets into a tub of hot water it releaves some of the pain for a little while for her to get some sleep.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Thanks for the updates, LS - they sound like positive steps, for sure!


Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🍂🍃
Gold Site Supporter
A little good news this morning! Jennifer says that her legs don't hurt as much but she's still having a lot of pain in her hands and sides. It seems that when she gets into a tub of hot water it releaves some of the pain for a little while for her to get some sleep.


Tortes Are Us
Super Site Supporter
She'll be ok. :wink:
I am certain they have put her on a benzo classed med, as well as advising you all about her diet, rest and some counseling.
Just love her to death and keep her safe and warm and let her know how much she is loved.
You're a good Mommy and she's just where she needs to be now.

I couldn't have said it better!