Ouch can I do this???

I was just looking at my camera on my desk collecting dust. I was also pondering how my youngin is growing by the foot and wondering why I don't have more shots of us. :oops::bonk:

Don't look back at life in regret. Capture your memories.

My problem is there is hundreds of foto's of my kids but none of me or us together. From reading all these replies, I gotta rectify that for them in later years.
Since I take most of the pictures, I'm missing from lots of family event pictures. The pics of me that I enjoy have been taken by my fishing friends, and I I've told DW to use one of those for the paper if I croak before her. it's important to have at least one good pic of yourself alive for the undertaker to post in the paper. Here's my recent fav taken in February in Tennessee...


Do those waders make me look fat? :mrgreen::mrgreen:

LOL I'd have to place the fishing rod elsewhere. :yum::yum::yum:
Good thread Catlin, and good pic Joe. :thumb:

My mom was the same way. Back when we had to develop our pictures I had more pics of her holding her hand up in front of her face than I had pics of her face. I would try to be quick and sneak one and she'd get that darn hand up just in time. :angry: She has mellowed with age and now will put up with her pic being taken. At least I don't have to pay to develop a picture of a hand, that was irritating.

LOL by the time the button is pressed I'm already in the nearest restroom, bush etc. :yum:
I had pictures of our family from the time the kids where born on, that is till Hurricane Andrew hit us in homestead. Needless to say we lost all but a few and those we saved where damaged. I often wish I had those pictures now and I know my kids would love to have them also.

Awww it's sad to lose such precious things in that way, but at least you all still have each other after the hurricane and can start snapping new memories! :flowers: