
Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
Okay, and not that I'm taking this ball and promising to run with it...but I do so love to get a ball rolling, ya know..:tiphat:

No reason not to repeat some favourites. No reason not to get to some of the things on the old list. But, I gotta tell you, I'd be hard pressed to find something to do with Doritios other than dip them in Axelrod's Onion Dip...

1. (and in no particular order, either, just number 1 because someone has to be...) stuffed, filled or layered pasta.
2. Pasta (unstuffed, filled or otherwise layered)
3. Chicken
4. Duck
5. Turkey
6. Fowl (yeah, you can also do one for the previous three)
7. Fish - with scales and fins
8. Shellfish and things that live in shells
9. Something from the ocean/pond/lake/stream/river/puddle
10. Cow
11. Pig
12. Ground Cow
13. Smoked Pig
14. Eggs
15. Cheese
16. Cream
17. Your favourite spice
18. Your favourite herb
19. Breakfast
20. Salad
21. Soup (cream or broth type, but not stew, cause..hey, we need a bigger list)
22. Stew
23. Italian
24. French
25. Middle Eastern
26. Chinese
27. Japanese
28. Mexican

Anything else???? I'm trying to keep it broad so more people can feel comfortable participating.
I'd also love it if we posted what we accompanied the meal with, like wine pairings or beverage of choice, who you served the meal to...

C'mon friends, don't leave me hanging my ass out here, Play with Me...:kiss:
In keeping with the Seasonality (is that a word?) of the themes... how about more spring (into summer) ingredients - i.e. asparagus, strawberries, peaches, bananas (more veggies like green beans, mushrooms, maybe artichokes or artichoke hearts), tomatoes. Citrus - lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit. Think you get the gist of it.


Well-known member
Site Supporter
Okay, and not that I'm taking this ball and promising to run with it...but I do so love to get a ball rolling, ya know..:tiphat:

No reason not to repeat some favourites. No reason not to get to some of the things on the old list. But, I gotta tell you, I'd be hard pressed to find something to do with Doritios other than dip them in Axelrod's Onion Dip...

1. (and in no particular order, either, just number 1 because someone has to be...) stuffed, filled or layered pasta.
2. Pasta (unstuffed, filled or otherwise layered)
3. Chicken
4. Duck
5. Turkey
6. Fowl (yeah, you can also do one for the previous three)
7. Fish - with scales and fins
8. Shellfish and things that live in shells
9. Something from the ocean/pond/lake/stream/river/puddle
10. Cow
11. Pig
12. Ground Cow
13. Smoked Pig
14. Eggs
15. Cheese
16. Cream
17. Your favourite spice
18. Your favourite herb
19. Breakfast
20. Salad
21. Soup (cream or broth type, but not stew, cause..hey, we need a bigger list)
22. Stew
23. Italian
24. French
25. Middle Eastern
26. Chinese
27. Japanese
28. Mexican

Anything else???? I'm trying to keep it broad so more people can feel comfortable participating.
I'd also love it if we posted what we accompanied the meal with, like wine pairings or beverage of choice, who you served the meal to...

C'mon friends, don't leave me hanging my ass out here, Play with Me...:kiss:

Sounds good to me. It did seem like we were getting down to having to draw from a pretty "limited" or "not so popular" list of IC ingredients.

Thanks for taking the time to get things moving again.:flowers: I love this part of NCT!


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
CC, would you consider it appropriate if we said "summer vegetable" instead of making it too narrow? Me? I love asparagus, but if Lou didn't care for it, I'd opt out of the challenge.
Citrus is wonderful...
How about 'berry' instead of a singular berry?
I love mushrooms, but those that don't won't play...What about 'fungus and mold'? maybe people could do something with bleu cheese??
CC, would you consider it appropriate if we said "summer vegetable" instead of making it too narrow? Me? I love asparagus, but if Lou didn't care for it, I'd opt out of the challenge.
Citrus is wonderful...
How about 'berry' instead of a singular berry?
I love mushrooms, but those that don't won't play...What about 'fungus and mold'? maybe people could do something with bleu cheese??

Whatever you guys like. Just wanted to throw some seasonal and/or more commonly used ingredients out there. Cheese is (always) good.


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
Would anyone (other than darling LilyLove) do an organ challenge?? Lily, wasn't that your bear heart some time back??


New member
In keeping with the Seasonality (is that a word?) of the themes... how about more spring (into summer) ingredients - i.e. asparagus, strawberries, peaches, bananas (more veggies like green beans, mushrooms, maybe artichokes or artichoke hearts), tomatoes. Citrus - lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit. Think you get the gist of it.
I agree completely. Also, I never found the categories (Italian, Breakfast, etc.) to be much of a challenge. The holiday challenges were fun because they were more personal, but a 'Chinese' challenge doesn't inspire much creativity.


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
I get where you're going Vyapti...but I think , and I could be wrong, but I think many people were more intimidated by working outside the box of comfort with some of the challenges. You're a very talented culinarian, and diverse with your extensive vegan submissions, as well...
Would you not agree that for some people, the idea of giddling a pancake is daunting enough to make it exciting to try??


Resident Crone
Would anyone (other than darling LilyLove) do an organ challenge?? Lily, wasn't that your bear heart some time back??

I would! I love veal liver and yes - Fois Gras!

In general, I agree with VB. I think we would have more participation if we made room for all different skill and comfort levels; not to mention that locality has a lot to do with quality of ingredients.

Those who are new to an ingredient can experiment at their own pace, and those who want to challenge themselves to go outside the box can do that. The nice thing about a little leeway in the category is that we can all play at our own comfort level - and we all learn something.
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Resident Crone
I'd like to see a complete vegetarian meal on the list. That would be a challenge to many of us, and some would find that to be the easiest!


New member
I think that ingredients like jicama, okra & fennel are difficult because they are uncommon or regional. Ingredients such as beans, rice or specific vegetables are well within most everyone's experience.

I get where you're going Vyapti...but I think , and I could be wrong, but I think many people were more intimidated by working outside the box of comfort with some of the challenges. You're a very talented culinarian, and diverse with your extensive vegan submissions, as well...
Would you not agree that for some people, the idea of giddling a pancake is daunting enough to make it exciting to try??

I think you're selling the people here short. One of my favorite challenges was the Garlic challenge. After some initial discussion about how common it was and about how hard it would be to make garlic the centerpiece, we kicked into gear and made some wonderfully diverse and delicious submissions.


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
I won't be the one to deny anything a spot on the list. I want to see the challenges more exciting for everyone.
My thoughts on painting with a wide brush were geared toward seeing more participation based on individual interpretation of the 'theme'.
When looking back at some of the least populated threads, it appears those were the most unusual or narrowly defined items.

But, as I said, let's just keep the list going rather than nickle and dime it to death.

Andy (Adillo) tells me the IC is two weeks shy of an anniversary. Before moving forward with the new list I have yet another suggestion.

First, I think okra is out, but let's get a very quick show of hands on that topic, yes? If it's actually out, are we all up for the 'secret' ingredient? Pick what you want, everyone else has to guess...?

Then, next week, how do you feel about an Anniversary Party theme? Make a dish you'd bring to a party.

After the anniversary themed week, let's start the new and improved (and ready for blog cutting and pasting) NCT Cook's Challenge Volume 2010...

Play with me....


Resident Crone
I'm playing! I like your suggestions. I'm even game to be the "keeper of the secret ingredients" if you need someone.

Game on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Resident Crone
One of my favorite challenges was the Garlic challenge. After some initial discussion about how common it was and about how hard it would be to make garlic the centerpiece, we kicked into gear and made some wonderfully diverse and delicious submissions.

Unfortunately, that 'initial discussion' was the beginning of the end.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
Gold Site Supporter
I'd like to see a *complete vegetarian meal on the list. That would be a challenge to many of us, and some would find that to be the easiest!

I'd love to do *this Sage, and I agree with Vera too on repeating some favourites, AND the party dish!
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Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
I'm completely confused now. Are we stopping Iron Chef? I really liked it...


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
I only wanted to change the name, RobsanX, to reflect the name of the site in the event we take the threads to a blog. Same idea, different name.

What do you think?


Grill Master
this was sort of keltin's baby and he took off, so i say all power to vb for re-energizing this.

i'm in, when i can be. or at the very least i'll see about posting old pics with recipes.

C'mon friends, don't leave me hanging my ass out here, Play with Me...:kiss:

can we just play with your ass? :) :heart: :thumb:

ok, maybe that last smiley was a bit misplaced


Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
I only wanted to change the name, RobsanX, to reflect the name of the site in the event we take the threads to a blog. Same idea, different name.

What do you think?

It's fine. We just have conversations going on in three different threads, so let's get it all sorted out.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
If threads need merged just report them and make the request where you want them to go. Provide the url of the target thread where they will go to make it easier for us. :tiphat:

Vera ... I was going to post a Mexcican Garbage recipe here, but don't think it belongs here. It is one that uses Dorito's in the recipe. :eek: :D
See it here:


Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
If threads need merged just report them and make the request where you want them to go. Provide the url of the target thread where they will go to make it easier for us. :tiphat:

I don't know if they need to be merged, but I read one post encouraging us to participate in IC then another one the same day starting a new contest.

I admit, sometimes I just skim through threads, so it gets a bit confusing trying to figure out when one idea is presented, then another follows it.

I think we're ok going forward.


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
Here I am...supposed to be working on the budget for an account I A. don't give a shit about any longer, and B. won't be here to direct for overmuch longer.
So, I keep popping in here to see where we're at.

As usual, I have comments and suggestions:tongue::tiphat:

We do Iron Chef this week with the secret ingredient theme. Andy, can you please make a new thread with that funny looking guy stating the new ingredient?

We do an Iron Chef Finale Anniversary Party theme next week.

The following week, we begin "something with the new name we all agree on" with one of the new challenges.



Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
LOLOLOL! Yep!! Liver and heart are both great!!
I think I'll unthaw one today for dinner tomorrow. :a1:

I would like to do organs too. Could we get some advanced notice? I have to order a week in advance. Thanks!

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
You guys are killing me here!!! I'm having to sit on my hands.

Uh oh....... can't......... stop......... myself..........

I want to do some organs, too.


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
RobsanX, if organ meat comes up with the radom thingy, we will automatically push it back a whole week and choose something different for that current week. Good?