... and dessert was carrot cake.
The base is from Silver Sage with a Suzi pineapple add-on and a raisin elimination (DW doesn't like raisins cooked). Use my cream cheese icing for cinnamon rolls as the frosting. It's on my website under Desserts. It's really delicious.Oooooo! I love making carrot cakes!
What's your recipe, Joe?
It looks just as yummy the 3rd time!!The base is from Silver Sage with a Suzi pineapple add-on and a raisin elimination (DW doesn't like raisins cooked). Use my cream cheese icing for cinnamon rolls as the frosting. It's on my website under Desserts. It's really delicious.
Thank you Karen! I would love a piece of that carrot cake also.Oh yum - I am drooling over the London Broil - the whole plate just looks scrumptious. DD and I spent the evening at the hospital visiting our friend John, and poor DH ate cereal for dinner! I could sure use some of Joe's carrot cake right now! (Don't feel too sorry for Jerry - cereal is one of his favorite meals.)
That looks fantastic Keltin!! I make something like that only I add cubed potatoes to the meat and call it roast beef or steak hash.
The potatoes look like they have indian feathers. LOL
The base is from Silver Sage with a Suzi pineapple add-on and a raisin elimination (DW doesn't like raisins cooked). Use my cream cheese icing for cinnamon rolls as the frosting. It's on my website under Desserts. It's really delicious.
Change the fruit and post it on other sites as your own? That's tacky, Joe. I didn't expect that from you, of all people. There have been many discussions on all of these forums about crediting your sources. I'm not talking about the legality of reposting web stuff, or the technicality of changing one ingredient or rewording the instructions, which have been debated ad nauseum. I'm talking about being fair and ethical.
This is especially hurtful because I had told you all that I have kept this recipe close to my breast for many years and I was sharing it with you, not for someone else to take it and post it all over the web as theirs. Where else have you posted it?
I went to a Jesuit college, and they required us to take a course in ethics before graduation. It's too bad you didn't go to a Jesuit college.
I'm sad and disappointed.