

Dough Boy
Just got an email from Lollie, and she says JoeC is going through some serious health issues right now, and is in the hospital. I'll refrain from letting out the details here without his permission, but suffice to say they are quite serious. He is not a religious or spiritual man, but some good thoughts and prayers on his behalf sure couldn't hurt at this time.
Thanks folks and I am getting good care even from the vampire crew that seems to want blood ever 4 hours from 2 PM yesterday till 4 AM this morning. I've had problems now for over two years due to asbestos and smoking. I quit smoking a year ago now but it seems I now have another spot on my left lung. Not for sure if it miligant yet as I'm due to have a biopsy done either this evening or tomorrow morning. I just hope they hurry regardless as I could use a good nights sleep which can be had in a hospital room.
Joe, I've had several stays in the hospital recently and it's the same here. Someone wakes you up every few hours to draw blood and just as you go back to sleep someone else wakes you up to ask if you want a sleeping pill :censored:

Hope everything turns out ok.

Sending you positive and healing energies, Joe!

And wishing you some peace and quiet while you're in the hospital!

I know what you mean joec. On top of everything else the staff seems to forget that it is night time and patients want to sleep.
Hope it goes well Joe. My last 4 day stay in April they left the door open enough to walk in and out. I had the hall bed and those girls thought i never slept. On the 3rd night after the hourly check about 2 am I got up and wrote deceased on the checklist. Thought the poor girl was going to piss herself laughing when she went to write her note an hour later. She was the best nurse out of the bunch and brought me REAL fresh brewed coffee at 5 every morning. :whistling:
Thanks for sharing the info JoeV.

Good thoughts and prayers for JoeC. Joe is one tough cookie, I suspect he is up for the fight. Take care Joe. I just had a biopsy myself. Damn that C word.
Thanks for sharing the info JoeV.

Good thoughts and prayers for JoeC. Joe is one tough cookie, I suspect he is up for the fight. Take care Joe. I just had a biopsy myself. Damn that C word.

Well Doc, it is what it is and best to fight as long as able I guess. As for being tough I guess we will see. :wink:
Well I was released at 5 PM today and learned something. No MRI on my head due to a lot of metal in it, so had to go a CT Scan instead. So far too Tumors on left lung both malignant. I will know more about stage, type etc on the 19th.
Glad to hear you got out Joe. Sorry to hear the tumors are malignant. :( It is amazing what the doctors and technology can do these days. Stay strong. I'll be thinking of you and keep you in my prayers.
Doc's right, Joe - it is amazing what can be done these days, and how much better cancers can be treated.

Nonetheless, getting such news is frightening, and I hope you have a great support system around you.

You certainly have one here, with us!

JoeC. - Fallon and I are sending up all the prayers and well wishes possible for your good health and recuperation. You got a tough verdict but you have a wonderful attitude and that's a very large part of the battle. Bless you, Joe.

Ian M.
Thanks folks and I am getting good care even from the vampire crew that seems to want blood ever 4 hours from 2 PM yesterday till 4 AM this morning. I've had problems now for over two years due to asbestos and smoking. I quit smoking a year ago now but it seems I now have another spot on my left lung. Not for sure if it miligant yet as I'm due to have a biopsy done either this evening or tomorrow morning. I just hope they hurry regardless as I could use a good nights sleep which can be had in a hospital room.

You're in my prayers, Joec. Hope that you get well soon!

Yeah, it IS hard to try to get a good night's sleep in the hospital!!

I'll NEVER forget the two times that I was there, scared to death that I might die!

I thank God that I didn't not have to go back there, except for routine colonoscopies and to see the cardiologist!! :smile:
Well folks finally got the final word today after 2 CT scans, biopsy of my throat to my lungs, both sides and a PET scan from my knees to my head it looks like I will be on this side of the grass a few more years at least. Tumors are only in the left lung and one limp node with no coming back to the right lung. As before it is still inoperable however with chemo and radiation is should be in complete remission pretty quick as the rest of my body seems to be in good shape. Now starts the harder part of the treatments but have been down this road before and will do well with it again.

I do appreciate you prayers and wishes for my recovery. As it stands now and I've been through this once before it does look good. Thanks again folks. :in_love:
I remember when my daughter was going through radiation treatment for her brain cancer. She was 17 and a member of the cross country track team running five to seven miles a day. It knocked her for a loop so I know what you'll be going through.

I'm glad to hear that your prognosis is good. Keep in touch and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Joe, that news sounds very encouraging! See? Prayers and positive thoughts work!

I hope you can use NCT as a support and a distraction, as you travel down the next leg of your journey. Even if you don't feel like talking about food, you can play Lucky's trivia and talk about other subjects with us!

Glad to hear you'll be around for awhile. I know you'll hang tough with the treatment. Stop by as you feel up to it, and if you need to vent some steam, stop by FF for some fun.:D:D