How to dry fudge!


New member

I have a problem. I have a good recipe for microwave fudge and after I make it I put it in the fridge to set for 4 hours. The fudge is delicious and great consistency nice and hard.

But the moment I take it out of the fridge and put it out on the table at room temperature to serve the people, the fudge gets soft and chocolate sticks to fingers when one picks it up.

What can we do to solve this problem without changing the recipe.

*I tried to take it out of fridge and let it dry over night at room temperature but it sort of gets dry and the taste isn’t the same!!!

Any ideas ? Could leaving it in the fridge 2-3 days solve this problem without losing the taste?



Resident Crone
What difference does it make recipe can’t change 🤷🏻‍♂️.

It’s a question on the drying process!
Fudge doesn’t need to “dry”. Nor does it need a refrigerator to harden. You have some kind of weird recipe if it requires both. If you don’t share the recipe, we can’t see what’s wrong with it.

I suggest you don’t ask questions of people who actually know how to cook, and then get snarky when they try to help.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🍁🍂🍃
Gold Site Supporter
Probably didn't boil it long enough in the first place.
That said , there are searchable solutions to any cooking "problem" through a Google search.


New member
Probably didn't boil it long enough in the first place.
That said , there are searchable solutions to any cooking "problem" through a Google search.
It’s fudge made in a microwave. I’ve tried fudge in the pot and aware about the temperature and all that and it came out very good but takes too long to make. I tried on Google but there isnt much about microwaveable fudge.

uW fudge doesn’t need to bring fudge temperature to 114C so once it’s well melted I put it in fridge. After 4 hours it’s awesome. But if I package it and send it out after a few hours it will get sticky.


New member
He said it was microwaved. It probably just didn't get to temp. And I'm pretty sure he didn't beat it.
I did tests with temperatures in the uWave, but I never brought it up to 114C. I I my bring it up to about 60C. It sets just fine this way in the fridge and it’s very hard after 4 hours in the fridge.

It’s just that when I package it and leave it at room temperature it softens up. But after 8-10 hours at room temp it starts to dry up and gets harder. Taste is still good But as good as when it’s pulled right out of the fridge.

Are you saying that I should bring my fudge temperature to 114C in the microwave?


New member
He said it was microwaved. It probably just didn't get to temp. And I'm pretty sure he didn't beat it.
I tried beating it after I let it cool down. I beated it for 20min. Fudge was the same no matter if I beat it or not. When fudge is made in a pot then beating does make a difference. In my case it doesn’t.