Good day thread

It's been snowing since 6 pm last night. I hope it stops soon. I hope we don't get 2 feet of snow.
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We have tried to shovel but no one is plowing the street. There is at least 2 feet of snow in the road. So even if we get our car cleaned off we can't move it.
I am so freaking mad! I had an accident this morning because they idiots plowed ONCE on Monday and nothing since then. To much to go into. I am so pi$$ed.
Good day everyone. Warm today but snow on the way for Sunday and Tuesday. Then snow in the forecast for every day the next week.
Good day everyone. It's 23F, wind chill 11F.

We got about 6-8" of snow on Sunday. Waiting for some today and here and there during this week.
Next week has snow in every days forecast.
On my way out to food shop.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
It is a rainy dreary day today. My joints are screaming at me. :cry:
My hips are like a burning pain in the morning. After resting a bit the pain goes away for the rest of the day.

I was just outside and fed the birds and filled the bird bath. Snow is predicted and want plenty of seed for them. I have plenty of firewood in the garage but want to bring in a wagon load of oak for just in case power goes off for an extended period.
I am soooo glad that I bought groceries on Wednesday. We're in for some snow and some unbelievable temperatures for Texas. The amt of snow that we'll get is nothing compared to what some of you have experienced, but we don't have snow very often so aren't as prepared as other places to deal with it.
I am soooo glad that I bought groceries on Wednesday. We're in for some snow and some unbelievable temperatures for Texas. The amt of snow that we'll get is nothing compared to what some of you have experienced, but we don't have snow very often so aren't as prepared as other places to deal with it.
That Fort Worth pile up accident was horrible. ?

We're supposed to get more snow.. ugh..
They aren't even really predicting amounts right now.
I was going to say something about that, but I figured most of you weren't aware. They were having to cut people out of cars and had cranes lifting the cars out of the wreckage. They were just all piled up, some on top of others...semi's, small cars, and suv's.
My son Ty knows wrecker operators from all across the states.
He's shared quite a few of their videos of the accident as it began, on his Facebook page.
Some of those people who were sitting on the other side of the barrier were very, very close to being harmed, if not killed themselves.
Nooooooooo! Lol

So far..
The apartment manager guy who mows and plows has been out.
From my patio a little bit ago.
He's plowing the snow from our front parking lot into the space between our apartments.

Good day everyone. Well the snow storm for today turned into rain. Not sure but I expect everything has a sheet of ice on it. Going to need DD or hub to salt before I try to go out there. I hope we can get a second car soon, so I don't have to be the family "Uber". This weather really is painful to the joints. Now snow is in the forecast for Thursday and Friday. Plus the car we are using now keeps having problems also. The catalytic converter went a few months back. We just had to have the thermostat replaced last week. I hope spring will be here sooner than later.

Here's something good about people helping people when all this snow is making things so tough. My lawn care guy came by to make sure that I was okay and didn't need anything :clap:. He offered to go to the grocery store for me ? . I didn't need anything, but I sure did appreciate his offer.
Good day everyone. We are expecting snow. It was supposed to have started already but no snow yet here.
Well it started. 7 - 10 inches expected.
And there is a salt shortage. Towns are having a lot of trouble getting salt. Roads are going to be rough. I hope they have sand.