Franken-Pantry V

Can't wait to see them, GTS!

No, Keltin, I wasn't sure how the Franken pantry would turn out so I'm saving them for something I'll be making this coming week.
I had some apples that needed to be used up just in time for FPV! I decided to make home made apple butter. I have not had it in years. I remember my grandmother making it and wanted to give it a try.

So, I got up early this morning, sliced 6 apples (I think they were honey crisps?) and mixed them with some sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and a little water and put them in the crock pot. After cooking most of the day, I ran them through the food processor for a couple of seconds and then put them into a skillet on med. low heat to let some of the liquid evaporate and thicken up. It was a success! It's really good and my son just loves it!

For dinner, I roasted a pork loin that I had rubbed with some of the apple butter. In the bottom of the roasting pan I added some onions, a little water and salt and pepper and a tiny bit of the apple butter. When it was done, I took the liquid in the pan and reduced it down into a sauce. It was delicious!! I really surprised myself! :)

Keltin, thank you for coming up with FP. I really enjoy it and have learned so much. I look forward to it every week!

The apples going into the crock pot:

Apple Butter - It got a little thicker than this before it was done:

And the pork loin:
Keltin, are you too busy moving today? I was looking for the next Franken Pantry this morning....hope we do it again soon. It is great fun.
OK here's it is.
BTW I had a friend over last night who thought it tasted awesome.
Here's what I did.
Pork Tenderloin smothered in Cinnamon Apple Chipotle Chutney with apple rice.

Cinnamon Apple Chipotle Chutney:
3 small apples coarsely chopped
1 cup of water
2 tbs brown sugar
1 ts Cinnamon
1/4 ts nutmeg
1 whole chipotle pepper finally chopped
1/4 ts garlic powder
1 slice of onion coarsely chopped and sauteed in 1 tbs of butter then added to the mix after it reached an opaque color.

Pork Tenderloin:
Seasoned with salt pepper and garlic powder then BBQ'd to medium almost medium rare.

Short grain rice (cause all I have is sushi grade rice for my boys)
Topped with bits of apple (because I couldn't think of any other way to give the rice some zip)

Believe it or not, but I went to two grocery stores and could not find any lentils. I would have cooked them with the rice had I found some.

But it was fun and the flavor was good I thought. My buddy thought is was GREAT, but he doesn't get out much LOL
The plating I think doesn't look very good, but it was my first shot at this and look forward to the next one.


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Oh wow, that looks beautiful! What a clever idea, making chipotle chutney. Great use of the Franken Pantry to create a really lovely dish. Did your boys like it?
We had a great Franken Pantry dinner last night. I took "costillas de cerdo", which are similar to country style pork spareribs, browned them, and baked for about 3 hours in a slow oven on a bed of sauerkraut, apples and a sprinkling of brown sugar. Side of fresh home made applesauce, seasoned with some sugar and cinnamon. Yummy. The meat fell off the bones and the kraut was perfect. I thought you might be interested in the package of meat I bought (at Walmart!) - I used two of them. Also bought the sauerkraut at Walmart - in the expensive imported section. It cost the equivalent of about $7, but it was well worth it. Our company loved it as well. Thanks again, Keltin, for coming up with the idea - it is really fun.


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Karen that looks FANTASTIC!! I still haven't been able to cook a FP because someone gets sick or dosen't want it!! But I have ideas for every FP and am determined to join in!!
Wow, Wow, WOW!!!

You guys are blowing my mind!!!

Mary, Karen and Lethal, I am floored! Your creations are outstanding and wonderfully creative uses of the Franken Pantry! Very, very impressive.

I'm definitely making each of these dishes!!

Karen, that meat package is wild! Is that price in pesos? Probably a dumb question, but I guess by know you can speak and read Spanish? I'd be so lost! :lol:
GTS, how ingenious! That chutney looks awesome!

Karen, I was going to make something similar but never got around to it, after seeing yours, I may just have to get around to it...yummmmmm. I sure hope that's pesos :lol: . I'd freak out if I went to the store and saw a price like that in dollars for a small package of pork.
Keltin said:
Karen, that meat package is wild! Is that price in pesos?
Mama said:
I sure hope that's pesos

Yes, that's pesos - it is a little scary until you get used to it. That's about $4 USD.

Thanks all, for your kind words...we surely did enjoy this dinner and Jerry is really getting into the Franken Pantry spirit, because he ends up with some really good food to eat.
The boys liked it, but there was a little too much heat in the Chutney for them. Like I said my buddy loved it. In fact he just called me an hour ago to tell me that the leftovers he took to work today was really good.
Thanks for all the nice comments peeps.
It was a lot of fun and I can't wait till next weekend to do it all over again.
BTW, I also made ABT's on sat for my boys and there friends. Unbelievable how good those things are. I can't imagine how much better they would be if I had put them in a smoker instead of the oven. I used farmers sausage for the meat and the bacon cream cheese sausage and jalapeno came together amazingly. I love this place. So many good ideas.
Pics below.


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WOW! Lethal, those are some of the most beautiful ABTs I've seen in a long while! Awesome job! I'll take a plate please!! :clap:
The boys liked it, but there was a little too much heat in the Chutney for them. Like I said my buddy loved it. In fact he just called me an hour ago to tell me that the leftovers he took to work today was really good.
Thanks for all the nice comments peeps.
It was a lot of fun and I can't wait till next weekend to do it all over again.
BTW, I also made ABT's on sat for my boys and there friends. Unbelievable how good those things are. I can't imagine how much better they would be if I had put them in a smoker instead of the oven. I used farmers sausage for the meat and the bacon cream cheese sausage and jalapeno came together amazingly. I love this place. So many good ideas.
Pics below.
They look fantastic!!
Oh, those look SO good. I just finished lunch, and I could gobble a whole plateful. Those boys are SO lucky to have a dad that cooks such good food for them!
I did a birthday supper for my oldest boy who turned 13 on Saturday.
They were the app before all the sea food I cooked up for my four boys, two of my oldest s friends and my buddy.
They are so easy and sooooo good, i"ll be making them on a regular basis.
I think they were even more popular than my tequila shrimp (Prawns). My kids love it when I make my tequila shrimp, because they like that I flambe the shrimp with....well guess. :dancing:
You seriously need to make these things.
I thought they would be super spicy, but they are not.
Just the right amount of heat for me.
Just the right size for an app as well.
The sausage on your ABT's looks like a fine treat for me just by itself, Lethal!

Yeee - UMM!

Make that 3 of us - I'm not sure I "get it".

It's right up there with "fatties" for me.

Ever had a stuffed bell pepper? The concept is the same. The jalapeño isn't really that hot (although I have had a batch or two of some mutant scorchers). When you cook/smoke the jalapenos (like most peppers) it gets milder and loses some heat.

The ABT is a stuffed pepper (think bell pepper in texture with a touch of heat). Each bite is texturally like eating a bell pepper, but the flavor of your stuffing, the smoke of your fire, the wrapping of BACON, and the mild heat of the jalapeño changes it to something more than what a stuffed bell pepper offers in taste.

Texturally, if you like stuffed bell peppers, and you like a touch of heat, you will LOVE ABTs.