Faux Pastrami ( from corned beef )


Well-known member
from ? Cheater Chef ??

My notes in red

1. 1 corned beef (regular grocery store brands run 2 1/2 to 3 pounds, never big enough, in my opinion)
2. 2 tablespoons coarse black pepper
3. 1 teaspoon granulated garlic or garlic powder
4. Packet of seasonings from the corned beef, crushed with a mortar and pestle or with the side of a knife blade
5. 2 tablespoons to 1/4 cup liquid smoke (Colgin, Wright's, Reese, Figaro, any brand you like)
6. ( I *didn't use liquid smoke )...( I did add 2 tsp. mustard seeds )

1. Open the corned beef package and remove the seasoning packet that comes with it. Crush the seasonings with a mortar and pestle or with the side of a knife blade. Combine the crushed seasonings with the black pepper and the garlic powder. Pat the corned beef dry. Rub the spice mixture on all sides.
2. Place the rubbed brisket in a piece of heavy aluminum foil. Sprinkle with the smoke. Close tightly and place in a roasting pan. Cook in a 275°F ( I used 250 F ) oven until fork tender, about 6 to 8 hours.
Notes ( Never used the slow cooker method but that I'll try some other time )
1. Slow cooker method -- Place the rubbed brisket in a large slow cooker and drizzle with liquid smoke. Cover and cook on high about 6 hours or about 8 hours on low. It's ready when the meat is fork tender. Remove excess fat. Slice. Or, chill first for easier slicing. Slice and microwave or steam the meat over simmering water to warm through.
Cheater Chef Cheater Pastrami
2013-12-09 11:32:25
Make pastrami at home.
( My Notes ) = in red


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🌹 🍉 Still trying to get it right.
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Please disregard my recipe request in the dinner thread.

Thank you for posting this. I have a corned beef in the freezer.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Jimmy! Good to see you! Where've you been???

That pastrami looks wonderful to me! Nice, even coating of rub!

I do it on my smoker, so no need for the liquid smoke, but some cold winter's eve, I might give that a try WITH the liquid smoke.



Well-known member
Jimmy! Good to see you! Where've you been???

That pastrami looks wonderful to me! Nice, even coating of rub!

I do it on my smoker, so no need for the liquid smoke, but some cold winter's eve, I might give that a try WITH the liquid smoke.


Been in LIMBO.... ( and not the Limbo under the pole where I would break my back ).

I used the liquid smoke the first time I made this, and it was too smoky.:WitchBrewsSmiley::yuk: