Coronavirus cases, deaths rise in Texas after state reopens
By Melissa Klein May 16, 2020 | 2:29pm

Coronavirus cases are on the rise in Texas since the Lone Star state started reopening almost three weeks ago, new numbers show.
The case count hit 45,198 Friday, up 1,347 from the day before, ABC News reported.
The death toll has increased as well, reaching a record 58 fatalities on Thursday and 56 on Friday. The total death count stood at 1,272 Friday.
A spokesman for Gov. Greg Abbott told ABC News that an increase in testing was contributing to a rise in the number of cases. The spokesman said hospitalizations had remained steady.
Texas lifted its stay-at-home order April 30 with a phased reopening. Shops and restaurants are already back in business and gyms are set to reopen Monday.

Filed under Coronavirus , texas , 5/16/20

Sometimes I hate to even watch the news. It's just depressing. What's Abbott going to say...Increase in testing, or I was wrong.

Dr. Fauci said....too early people, just too early. We'll have to see how this plays out.
If anybody is still looking for face masks, Amazon has them. I had a pack of 50 delivered either Friday or Saturday. So pitiful...I can't even keep up with the day of the week anymore.
Sometimes I hate to even watch the news. It's just depressing. What's Abbott going to say...Increase in testing, or I was wrong.

Dr. Fauci said....too early people, just too early. We'll have to see how this plays out.

After seeing Governor Abbott live today on tv, I think I'm going to have to back up here, do a little flip-flop, and eat some crow. I, like many people in Texas, jumped to conclusions. I was just too harsh with my comment without having all the information.

After his explanation today, he seems to be sincerely trying to do the right thing. Maybe I'm just a sucker, but I now believe that that increase is due to testing.
After seeing Governor Abbott live today on tv, I think I'm going to have to back up here, do a little flip-flop, and eat some crow. I, like many people in Texas, jumped to conclusions. I was just too harsh with my comment without having all the information.

After his explanation today, he seems to be sincerely trying to do the right thing. Maybe I'm just a sucker, but I now believe that that increase is due to testing.

The article says Texas has completed 350,000 tests since April 30. Another article was complaining about 50 new cases a day showing up in texas since the restrictions were reduced. 18x50 = 900 new cases. Thats 349,000 folks who DON’T have the virus!
Gov. Abbott posted this on twitter this morning.


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The article says Texas has completed 350,000 tests since April 30. Another article was complaining about 50 new cases a day showing up in texas since the restrictions were reduced. 18x50 = 900 new cases. Thats 349,000 folks who DON’T have the virus!

That's a great article for anyone in the US to read, even if you don't live in Texas. This looks like it could get politically nasty very quickly.
Very funny, jim slagle :). Could you do that every day...just kidding.


I know today is Wednesday because I had to do a grocery pickup run. People seem to moving out of the panic mode around here. There was a line at Sam's but nothing like the lines before with all the people piled up at the door.

I actually got every single thing on my list from Walmart, including flour and ground beef.

Shipping times from Amazon and Sam's seem to be improving too.


I feel for the people who have to wear the face masks for long periods of time. I will and do wear them when I'm out in the public, but I sure don't like them. Hot air collects under them and fogs my glasses. Maybe that only happens with the cheaper face masks. I don't know.
I put my mask on first. Then put my glasses on over the top edge of mask to "anchor" it down. Helps with the fog issue.
Lines at some food stores have eased up. BUT NOT at Trader Joe's. I still haven't been able to get there. I haven't even gone past Walmart or Costco. Target lines are long for in store shopping. But separate line for online order pick ups is very short.
I saw on the news today that hand sanitizer is combustible if left in direct sunlight for a long period of time. Kinda makes sense because of the alcohol content. They showed a pic of a car with a big burn mark on the hand rest.

I do take mine with me in the car but take it out when I get home. Temps here can get really hot. I only have one container, so it has to be multi purpose home/car.
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Texas Started Reopening Four Weeks Ago, Are Cases of Wuhan Coronavirus on the Rise?
Katie Pavlich| @KatiePavlich |Posted: May 26, 2020 2:40 PM

Texas started reopening businesses and restaurants in phases nearly four weeks ago, prompting criticism from the media and big government nannies who believe lockdowns should continue indefinitely. But contrary to the hysteria, things are going well in the fight against new Wuhan coronavirus cases.

Continues at:



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Texas Started Reopening Four Weeks Ago, Are Cases of Wuhan Coronavirus on the Rise?
Katie Pavlich| @KatiePavlich |Posted: May 26, 2020 2:40 PM

Texas started reopening businesses and restaurants in phases nearly four weeks ago, prompting criticism from the media and big government nannies who believe lockdowns should continue indefinitely. But contrary to the hysteria, things are going well in the fight against new Wuhan coronavirus cases.

Continues at:


Link doesn't work for me.

It looks like things are going ok. The hospitals have been slammed, so they could really use a break.
My dr won't renew my prescription for a low dose cholesterol tab unless I go get my lab work done. He's willing to do the telephone thing but not unless I get my labs done. I'm kind of pissed at him because every year it's the same old thing...looking good, just keep on doing what you're doing.

I'm still thinking about this. I talked to one of the women at the lab the other day, and she said that they aren't even taking scheduled appts right now. It's just walk in, first come, first serve, which indicates to me that they're slammed too. I don't know which is worse, going without the med or exposing myself to the masses in the lab.
My dr won't renew my prescription for a low dose cholesterol tab unless I go get my lab work done. He's willing to do the telephone thing but not unless I get my labs done. I'm kind of pissed at him because every year it's the same old thing...looking good, just keep on doing what you're doing.

I'm still thinking about this. I talked to one of the women at the lab the other day, and she said that they aren't even taking scheduled appts right now. It's just walk in, first come, first serve, which indicates to me that they're slammed too. I don't know which is worse, going without the med or exposing myself to the masses in the lab.

Couple weeks ago my Doc had the home health care folks come to the house for a blood draw. Since I couldn't travel At the time my insurance paid for it.

You might ask your Doctor.

My dr won't renew my prescription for a low dose cholesterol tab unless I go get my lab work done. He's willing to do the telephone thing but not unless I get my labs done. I'm kind of pissed at him because every year it's the same old thing...looking good, just keep on doing what you're doing.

I'm still thinking about this. I talked to one of the women at the lab the other day, and she said that they aren't even taking scheduled appts right now. It's just walk in, first come, first serve, which indicates to me that they're slammed too. I don't know which is worse, going without the med or exposing myself to the masses in the lab.

Couple weeks ago my Doc had the home health care folks come to the house for a blood draw. Since I couldn't travel At the time my insurance paid for it.

You might ask your Doctor.


How about asking the lab if you can sit outside in your car and they call you when it is your turn?
Couple weeks ago my Doc had the home health care folks come to the house for a blood draw. Since I couldn't travel At the time my insurance paid for it.

You might ask your Doctor.


Thanks for the information

I wouldn't qualify for that. I can get down there on my own. I just don't want to go down there, stand in line for whoever knows how long just to get into the waiting room, and then sit in the waiting room for whoever knows how long with all those people who may or may not have some kind of serious problem.

If they had a drive-thru blood draw, I would probably do that.
How about asking the lab if you can sit outside in your car and they call you when it is your turn?

I didn't ask them that question. I'll see what they say tomorrow. I'd be more willing to do that than wait in the line and sit it the waiting room. I could sit out in the parking lot and read my kindle :). Still rather do a drive-thru.
I didn't ask them that question. I'll see what they say tomorrow. I'd be more willing to do that than wait in the line and sit it the waiting room. I could sit out in the parking lot and read my kindle :). Still rather do a drive-thru.

Hope they will do it. Makes it better for them would empty out their waiting room if everyone waited in their car
I didn't ask them that question. I'll see what they say tomorrow. I'd be more willing to do that than wait in the line and sit it the waiting room. I could sit out in the parking lot and read my kindle :). Still rather do a drive-thru.

Hope you got that taken care of, Cooksie.
I got my one and only med refilled for the year last week.
Emailed my doctor through Mercy Health's "My Chart".
She promptly returned an email asking if I've been well.
Yup no problems, so she sent a new script refill to Rite Aid.
Hope they will do it. Makes it better for them would empty out their waiting room if everyone waited in their car

I checked it out this morning. This is what is happening here:
You stand in line to get your temp checked.
If you're not wearing a mask, you're issued one.
After that, you go into the waiting room to await your turn.

I asked the woman what kind of waiting time I could expect. She wouldn't even give me an estimate.

Hope you got that taken care of, Cooksie.
I got my one and only med refilled for the year last week.
Emailed my doctor through Mercy Health's "My Chart".
She promptly returned an email asking if I've been well.
Yup no problems, so she sent a new script refill to Rite Aid.

I kind of think my dr is being a hard head. I'm not sure where I heard or read this, maybe the news or some news article, but didn't Trump tell the physicians they could treat their patients as they see fit? I don't know how to exactly interpret that, but I would guess that they don't have to follow the strict guidelines that were in place before all this.
I checked it out this morning. This is what is happening here:
You stand in line to get your temp checked.
If you're not wearing a mask, you're issued one.
After that, you go into the waiting room to await your turn.

I asked the woman what kind of waiting time I could expect. She wouldn't even give me an estimate.

I kind of think my dr is being a hard head. I'm not sure where I heard or read this, maybe the news or some news article, but didn't Trump tell the physicians they could treat their patients as they see fit? I don't know how to exactly interpret that, but I would guess that they don't have to follow the strict guidelines that were in place before all this.

Any other place that will draw blood? Check with your insurance to see if your plan covers them.
I kind of think my dr is being a hard head. I'm not sure where I heard or read this, maybe the news or some news article, but didn't Trump tell the physicians they could treat their patients as they see fit? I don't know how to exactly interpret that, but I would guess that they don't have to follow the strict guidelines that were in place before all this.

Sounds like your doctor is being a hard head.

I know my oldest son's doctor did the same as mine.
Made an allowance for a refill on a prescription without having to set up an appointment to be seen first.
Now I did have labs done earlier in the month.
That was a quick in and out blood draw without seeing my doctor.
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Money driven maybe?

Quite possibly, or maybe I should say quite probably.

Any other place that will draw blood? Check with your insurance to see if your plan covers them.

My insurance would pay, but I know my dr doesn't accept outside lab results. He has signs posted all over his office and exam rooms.

Sounds like your doctor is being a hard head.

I know my oldest son's doctor did the same as mine.
Made an allowance for a refill on a prescription without having to set up an appointment to be seen first.
Now I did have labs done earlier in the month.
That was a quick in and out blood draw without seeing my doctor.

That's probably what his problem is. My lab work is now over a year old, just barely though.
I would have to say definitely on the money driven if doc won't accept labs from other places. Very good chance doc owns a stake in the lab. I thought that was illegal, at the least unethical, if not disclosed to patients.
I would have to say definitely on the money driven if doc won't accept labs from other places. Very good chance doc owns a stake in the lab. I thought that was illegal, at the least unethical, if not disclosed to patients.

I had to go read about this. From what I read, I believe you're right about it being illegal, but there are exceptions/loopholes. I would put money on it that my dr isn't doing anything illegal. Thanks for the information.

I'm just going to have to put on my big panties and go down there.


Looks like a promising vaccine is in the works. They're being cautious on saying when it will be available.