Christmas Cookie/Candy Swap


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Anyone have favorite cookie or candy recipes the would like to share that you plan to make or give out this season??

One I am planning to make is an icebox oatmeal cookie that my sisters grandmother inlaw would make every year that I absolutely adore!!

Sliced Oatmeal Cookies

1 cup crisco
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups sifted flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
11/2 quick rolled oats
1/2 cup finely ground walnuts

In a mixing bowl cream together crisco and sugars till light and fluffy. Addeggs 1 at a time, beating well after each, add vanilla. Combine the flour,baking soda, salt and cinnamon, stir into creamed mixture. Stir in oats and walnuts.
Shape dough into 2 8" inch roll, wrap in waxed paper or plastic wrap. Chill for 3 hrs or freeze for future use.

Preheat oven to 350 cut dough into 1/4" slices. Place on greased cookie sheet. Bake for 8-10 mins.Cool on rack.
Makes about 60 cookies.


New member
I'll have to dig up my recipes, I make thumbprints, pecan tassies, sugar cookies, dream bars, spritz and Russian teacakes. There's probably a couple more. I'll post them tomorrow morning.....


Head Mistress
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There are a few that make the A list every year, without fail. Then we rotate old favourites and/or add new recipes to total at least 12 different kinds.

I had planned to work on the list today but thoughts of going back to work tomorrow after a week off have put me not in the mood for festivities:neutral:. I wish I had the entire month off to bake and bake and bake!


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[FONT=Times New Roman, serif]Nut Rocha!![/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, serif]

2 cups butter
2 cups white sugar
2 tablespoons light-colored corn syrup
1/3 cup water
1 11 1/2 oz package of milk chocolate pieces (I used a little more)
1 cup finely chopped nuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts,and or cashews (you may toast nuts for a fuller flavor if you want.)

Line a 15x10x1 inch baking pan with foil, extending foil over the edges of the pan: Set aside.

In a 3-quart saucepan melt butter.
Stir in sugar, corn syrup and water.
Cook over medium high heat until boiling.
stirring until sugar has desolved.
Avoid splashing the sides of the pan.
Carefully clip candy thermometer to the pan.
Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until thermometer registers 290 degrees (soft-crack stage. (about 15 minutes)
Mixture should boil at a moderate, steady rate over entire surface.
Remove from heat.

Pour mixture in to prepared pan and spread evenly.
Cool about 5 minutes or until top is set.
sprinkle on the chocolate chips and lets stand for two minutes. Spread chocolate over candy.
Sprinkle with nuts and press them gently into chocolate. Cool several hours or until set.

Use foil to lift candy out of pan. Break in to small pieces. Store in tightly covered container... I keep mine in the refrig. so chocolate doesn't melt.


🌹 🍉 Still trying to get it right.
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Texas Sandies

I like this one because it is a shortbread. Reminds me of my mom, she loved shortbread.

1 c. butter
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1/4 c. light brown sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. vanilla
2 1/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 c. finely chopped pecans
Sugar for rolling cookies

Cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in egg yolk and vanilla. Stir in the flour, half a cup at a time, blending well. Stir in pecans. Roll into 1-inch balls (I use a small scooper). Roll in sugar.

Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Press with bottom of a glass to 3/8 inch thickness. Bake at 350° F for 10 minutes. Lower heat to 300° F. Bake cookies 12 minutes longer until just light brown on bottom. Cool a minute before removing to a rack to complete cooling. Store airtight.


New member
Hmmm I was just looking at a sandie recipe and debating about adding one this year! Sounds much better than the one I saw :D Thank you!


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Pecan Tassies

1 cup flour
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1/3 cup cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2/3 cup pecans, chopped
1 large egg, beaten
1 T. butter or margarine, melted
1 tsp. vanilla

Combine flour, butter and cream cheese in bowl and beat well.
Refrigerate for 1 hour.
Roll into 1" balls.
Press into greased miniature muffin tin, forming a cup. Set aside.
Combine remaining ingredients in small saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and add 1 T. to each dough cup.
Bake at 400 for 12-15 minutes.

Thumbprint Cookies

1 cup shortening (part butter or margarine)
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
2 egg, separated
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cup flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1-1/2 cups finely chopped nuts

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Mix shortening, sugar, egg yolk, and vanilla thoroughly. Blend together flour and salt; stir in. Roll dough into balls about 1 tsp.
Beat egg white slightly. Dip balls in egg white. Roll in nuts. Place about 1" apart on ungreased baking sheet; press thumb gently in center of each ball.
Bake 10-12 minutes or until set.
Cool. Fill with jelly, tinted icing or a cherry.
Makes about 5 dozen.

Dream Bars

1/2 cup shortening (part butter or margarine)
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1 cup flour
Almond/Coconut Topping
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1 tsp. vanilla
2 T. flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup slivered almonds (or your preference)

Mix eggs, sugar, and vanilla. Mix with flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir in coconut and almonds.

Heat oven to 350F. Mix shortening and sugar thoroughly. Stir in flour. Press and flatten with hand to cover bottom of ungreased 13x9x2" pan. Bake 10 minutes. Then spread with topping. Return to oven and bake an additional 25 minutes, until golden brown. Cool slightly, then cut into bars. About 2-1/2 dozen, 3"x1" bars.


1 cup butter or margarine
2/3 cup sugar
3 egg yolks
1 tsp. flavorings (vanilla or almond)
2-1/2 cups flour

Heat oven to 400F. Mix butter, sugar, egg yolks and flavoring, thoroughly. Add flour. Using 1/4 dough at a time put in cookie press on ungreased baking sheet to desired shapes. Bake 7-10 minutes or until set but not brown. Makes about 5 dozen.

Russian Teacakes

1 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup sifted confectioner's sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1-1/4 cups flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup finely chopped nuts

Mix butter, sugar and vanilla together. Add flour and salt blending in well. Mix in nuts. Chill dough.
Heat oven to 400F. Roll dough into 1 inch balls. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake 10-12 minutes or until set but not browned. While still warm, roll in confectioner's sugar. Cool. roll in sugar again.
Makes about 4 dozen.

Sugar Cookies

3/4 cup shortening (part butter or margarine)
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla or 1/2 tsp. lemon flavoring
1-1/2 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt

Mix shortening, sugar, eggs and flavoring together. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt, blend well. Chill at least 1 hour.

Heat oven to 400F. Roll dough 1/8" thick on lightly floured board. Cut with any shaped cookie cutters. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake 6-8 minutes or until cookies are golden in color. Let cool and decorate. I add colored sugar sprinkles and such before baking.
Makes about 4 dozen.
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New member
Great idea Dee! I have a few that I've been needing to get into the computer before the hutch eats them permanently..... hehe..... sounds like a great excuse to finally do it!
I'll have to find them first..... ugh. I hate that hutch....... :D


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I'm drooling Barb!!
Are the pecan tassies like sandies? And Im soooo annoyed, growing up I had my own cookie press that I had never learned to use, so somewhere down the line it I wish I had it!!!

Thanks Suzi, can't wait to see what you dig out of that hutch!!!! :D

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
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Peanut butter haystacks
Date Fingers
Peanut butter /Hershey kiss
Oatmeal jam thumbprints
Cookie cutter sugar/old fashioned frosted


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I have a recipe for klejna(klejner) that my mom made even before I was born, there are a few more I have to find, if anyones interested.


New member
This recipe was one of the winners of the Oregonian newspaper's Christmas cookie contest a few years ago. They've got a slight crunch and wonderful orange flavor. They're also pretty dipped in chocolate.

Mexican Orange-Cornmeal Sandies

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
1 Tbsp grated orange zest
1 tsp orange extract, orange liquor, or OJ
6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate

1. Combine flour, cornmeal, salt and soda in a bowl.

2. Beat butter and sugar in a medium-size bowl until creamy. Beat in egg yolks, zest, and extract until fluffy. Stir in flour mixture. Divide dough in half and flatten into disks. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

3. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat baking sheet with cooking spray or line with parchment paper.

4. On a lightly floured surface, roll half of dough 1/4 inch thick. With floured 3 inch round cookie cutter, cut out dough. Cut each round in half and place 1 inch apart on cookie sheet. Repeat with remaining dough.

5. Bake about 10 minutes or until lightly golden. Cool on wire rack.

6. Melt chocolate in small saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove saucepan from heat and dip both corners and rounded sides of the cookies into chocolate at an angle. Place cookies on baking sheet lined with waxed paper. Let stand until chocolate hardens. Store at room temperature.


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Thank you so much Sweetlebee :D

Welcome to the site!! Hope you enjoy yourself here!! :) Make yourself at home.


Grill Master
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Are the pecan tassies like sandies?

I made these a year or two ago, using Paula Deen's recipe. They came out great, but I do like Barb's recipe, making her own crust cups of flour, butter, and cream cheese!

The addition of the almond brickle chips was great, though!


Pecan Toffee Tassies (Paula Deen)

1 (15-ounce) package refrigerated pie crusts
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, melted
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup finely chopped pecans
1 (10-ounce) package almond brickle chips

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Unroll the piecrusts onto a lightly floured surface. Roll into 2 (15-inch) circles. Cut out 48 circles using a 1 3/4-inch fluted or round cookie cutter, re-rolling dough as needed. Place in 1 3/4-inch muffin pans, pressing on the bottoms and up the sides of each of the mini-muffin cups. Combine the melted butter, brown sugar, flour, and eggs in a large bowl, mixing well. Add the vanilla. Stir in the pecans and brickle chips. Spoon the pecan filling evenly into the pie shells. Bake for 25 minutes, or until filling is set and crust is lightly browned. Cool in pans on wire racks.



Grill Master
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Eggnog Cookies

Easy Eggnog Cookies

Andy M. posted the link to this recipe and I made a double batch. Makes a million, and they are very good!

See photo below.


If I do make cookies this year (I'm leaning toward just making the Gramercy Tavern Gingerbread Cake and the Green Velvet Cake) I am going to try this recipe, posted by Texasgirl, since I usually make thumbprints, and the filling of these sounds delish!

I'm thinking instead of mixing milk with the rum, I'll use a couple of teaspoons of nog.

Eggnog Thumbprint Cookies (texasgirl)

I'm going to make these this year at our annual candy day.

2/3 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 slightly beaten egg whites
1 cup finely chopped walnuts
1/4 cup butter
1 cup sifted powdered sugar
1 teaspoon rum or 1/4 teaspoon rum extract
1 to 2 teaspoons milk
Ground nutmeg

Beat the 2/3 c butter in a mixing bowl until smooth and creamy. Add granulated sugar and the 1/8 tsp nutmeg, beat until mixed thoroughly. Beat in egg yolks and vanilla. Add flour as little at a time, when too thick, use spoon. Can also chill and use hands to mix.

Shape into 1-inch balls. Roll each ball in egg white, then into nuts. Place 1 inch apart on lightly greased cookie pans. Press centers with your thumb. Bake in a 375° F oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are golden. Cool on wire racks.

Beat the 1/4 cup butter until softened. Add confectioners sugar and beat until fluffy. Beat in rum and enough milk to make spreadable. Add about 1.2 tsp into thumbprint of each cookie. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Makes about 40 cookies



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