Berry Galette

Johnny West

Well-known member
Last evening we went berry picking and a guy stopped and invited us to pick berries at his neighbors who were on vacation. The berries were going to waste and he knew more were on their way. There were a lot left, too. I believe they are Apache Black Berries. I made a galette with blueberries, red raspberries, and last night's berries.
#######Berry Galette.jpg
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Oh my gosh, John, that is a thing of beauty!

Nothing like fresh local berries - nice job!

It was topped with French vanilla ice cream and the flavour was fantastic.

It needed another tablespoon of corn starch as the berries were so juicy
and it was runny.
Here is the recipe for the galette. They are easy to do, I don't make the crust but use Pillsbury pre-made crust, and roll it out a bit. I don't have the large crystal sugar and skipped that part. I'll do an apple one next time. I like these as there is not as much sugar and no butter so much less calories as a regular pie or crisp.

One day I try her crust, though.
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I neglected to post a photo of one bowl of berries I picked.
Some of there berries are over an inch long.
#######Big Berries.jpg
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I’m up for this again. Today Nancy picked about two gallons of black berries, her second batch and these will be canned for pie filling. How many pies will she make - I end up eating them all.

That changed. She’s going to make a pie and freeze the rest.
