Anyone know anything about washing machines?

Remember that little bit of water on the spin cycle is for the benefit of liquid fabric softener.
The only other idea I had was to fill the tub with water, then set the knob to wash and see if it starts. If not, no biggie just set it to the spin cycle to get rid of the water.
Yeah, I used to hate dragging my wash out on the weekends. But you know, you can have some fun with it. I sued to go to a washeteria near a bunch of antique shops. I’d always forget my wash and get lost in the shops. It can have some up sides if you make the best of it! :smile:

reminds me of a place in Madison WI i use to do my laundry at...right beside it was an authentic mexican catina... 2 tables , coke in a glass bottle and you could watch them make their own tortillas

not antiques but still enjoyable to do laundry
reminds me of a place in Madison WI i use to do my laundry at...right beside it was an authentic mexican catina... 2 tables , coke in a glass bottle and you could watch them make their own tortillas

not antiques but still enjoyable to do laundry

Our laundry mat has cable:mrgreen:

There is always this! :yum::yum::yum::yum:

Wash your clothes.
Hey, there's an idea for a new type of laundry mat! Combine it with a coffee/bistro shop and a little grill that does tortillas and burgers and dogs!
For that I may just sabotage my washing machine, LOL!
Remember that little bit of water on the spin cycle is for the benefit of liquid fabric softener.
The only other idea I had was to fill the tub with water, then set the knob to wash and see if it starts. If not, no biggie just set it to the spin cycle to get rid of the water.

OHH...that's right, you told me that already! I have CRS! Okay, I'll try filling it with water and see if it will start. Great idea, thanks! :wink: