Answer a question with a question!

Hey Buz. I wish I had the nerve-and a gun. They cost me $3000 worth of damage under the house about 6 mos after I moved in.
It's illegal to kill 'em though. Didn't you know?
But where I live the houses are close enough, that at night, when they are active, and weiner dog would love to hunt them, and believe me, he could be a professional (read up why the bread weiner dogs) I couldn't get away with it. And do you know they make noise when they are startled, and jump at least (from my experience) 6' in the air?
But where I live the houses are close enough, that at night, when they are active, and weiner dog would love to hunt them, and believe me, he could be a professional (read up why the bread weiner dogs) I couldn't get away with it. And do you know they make noise when they are startled, and jump at least (from my experience) 6' in the air?

Mine give me a dirty look and head for the palmettos. Dillos, what do you say about that?
Damn woman, I thought you were putting baby to bed, forever.
Ebay would starve if they depended on folks like me.
What were you looking at?
LOL no she was in bed 2 hrs ago!!

I was buying outfits for the munchkin!! NOBAY LOL I succeeded once but recently fell off the waggon!!! Can you see my look of shame??
Do you know I always used that excuse as well??? Do you think I ever finally fessed up and simply said "do you know I suck at bowling??"

Just about.....hehe Do you know I bowled 2 games over average and the third not so well?

Dee,,you were drinking with me this afternoon.....or don't you remember?