4th of July Plans?

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
Gold Site Supporter
Anyone doing anything special?
I'll be watching the fireworks tomorrow night over the pond, the ones the neighbours always do.
I could go across town where they are doing them, but I can see the city fireworks from here also.
Friday night, they're also having them in Defiance at either Diehl or Pontiac Park.
Seriously doubt I'll go to that. It's always a pain to get out of the city 😬
No grilling, nothing like that food-wise.

Johnny West

Well-known member
I’m going to gun club and shoot skeet, grill brats later, and go to bed early. I hope to get some sleep with all the fireworks goin off as i need to be at my bud’s place by 0350 to go steelhead fishing Friday AM.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
The only plans I had were to go to the beach this morning, but it's unexpectedly cloudy.

Well, there's a Twilight Zone marathon on Sy Fy. :)



Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
The only plans I had were to go to the beach this morning, but it's unexpectedly cloudy.

Well, there's a Twilight Zone marathon on Sy Fy. :)

It cleared up so I went for a few hours. Beautiful, warm with a terrific sea breeze! Excellent for reading - only a couple screamers off in the distance.

And I'm DVR'ing about a dozen Twilight Zones.

Kathy wants to grill hot dogs tonight.

