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  1. Shermie

    Potato Salad

    I once made this big foil pan of potato salad to take to a cookout!!! Took two days to make it!!! I was exhausted because of all the stuff it took to do it!!! But it came out good though!! :whistling:
  2. Shermie

    Giant-Screen TV!! Who has One?!!

    I bought this Polk system for the TV in the living room, but haven't set it up yet. Had it for about 2 years. It's still in the box!!!! Just haven't gotten around to it yet!!! :eek:
  3. Shermie

    Hobart N50 Mixing bowls?

    Just out of curiosity, while there, I looked up the N-50 mixer to see how much it is. $4,550 or so for it!!! Too expensive for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run, run, run for something larger & cheaper!!!!!!!! :eek: :bolt:
  4. Shermie

    Least & Most Used Gadgets & Appliances?

    I believe that I posted the recipe under Cakes.
  5. Shermie

    Least & Most Used Gadgets & Appliances?

    Thanks. My favorite specialty has always been making the 7up cake!! Everyone loves it!!!! It's my favorite cake!! :whistling:
  6. Shermie

    Least & Most Used Gadgets & Appliances?

    I have a few slow cookers, but as you can see, there a slow cooker setting on this Ninja Foodi unit. :whistling:
  7. Shermie

    Least & Most Used Gadgets & Appliances?

    Here are two 7up cakes that I once made for our first family dinner. :whistling:
  8. Shermie

    Least & Most Used Gadgets & Appliances?

    This IS my most used appliance!! It comes in handy during just about ALL baking tasks, whipping up very decedent delights, such as dough for bread, cakes batter, quick breads & whipping up heavy cream!! It's a dream come true for baking enthusiasts!! :whistling:
  9. Shermie

    Least & Most Used Gadgets & Appliances?

    What things do you hardly use, or used most of the time? Which is your favorite? Which one do you hardly use? I'd say that the #1 thing that I use most is the mixer. It is unbeatable for making dough, cake batters & quick breads, along with pie fillings!! The least thing that I use is the...
  10. Shermie

    Who'd Want THIS Job?!!

    I've heard that some people have a lot of cast iron cookware, but I'd NEVER get or have that much!! Not in a million years!!! Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have some. but I would think that's being kind of ridiculous!!! Hah!!! :eek:
  11. Shermie

    Pressure Cooker

    Bought this 6-qt. Presto stainless steel pressure cooker for my brother about a few months ago!!! :whistling:
  12. Shermie

    Looking at a Car!!

    Thanks!! Most of the time, I'll be walking to a store that's close for the fear of not being able to find a place to park upon returning to park!!! :mad:
  13. Shermie

    Looking at a Car!!

    It's in Brighton. :whistling:
  14. Shermie

    Looking at a Car!!

    Here it is parked on the street near my building!!! Street cleanings are over for the winter until spring, so I don't have to worry about it being ticketed or towed for a while. Looks new & shiny!!! It zips around & through city streets very easily & gets me from point A to point B fast &...
  15. Shermie

    Happy Birthday, Johnny West!

    Happy birthday, Johnny West!! Many more!!!! :whistling:
  16. Shermie

    Seen any good movies?

    Not really. Seems that most everything are rehashing's of old movies. Technically, you're going to see repeats of what all has been out before!! A waste of money in MY book!!!! :mad:
  17. Shermie

    2023 Thanksgiving Plans (U.S.A. - 11/23/2023)

    I plan to go to upstate New York for the week of Thanksgiving! Going to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse for a turkey dinner. I won't have to cook!! :whistling:
  18. Shermie

    Whats Everyone Drinking Tonight!?!?

    Just a soda. I did enough drinking last night at a Chinese restaurant!! Hah!! :whistling:
  19. Shermie

    Looking at a Car!!

    %Thanks, guys!!!! I love it!!!! :whistling: :whistling::whistling::whistling:
  20. Shermie

    Looking at a Car!!

    Just picked up the Green Gerbil on Saturday. It runs like a champ, as if it were brand new!! It has successfully passed inspection & I got a resident parking sticker to keep it from being ticketed for non-resident parking. The engine runs very quiet, & everything works fine!! I'm so glad to have...