Still recuperating from this head & Chest cold...
Could not get the gumption to make dinner...
I DID get up enough gumption to make..
... a phone call...
Still recuperating from this head & Chest cold...
Could not get the gumption to make dinner...
I DID get up enough gumption to make..
... a phone call...
Thanks for starting the new week, Lee.
I've been napping since I'm working all night.
I had scrambled eggs and sliced tomatoes for late lunch.
Jules is bringing something healthy for us to share tonight.
I spent the whole day emptying, moving, then refilling the wine fridge. Afterward, I just didn’t want to cook, so we went out. I seem to always have a reason to go out to eat.
We ordered the ribs & wings platter, shared it, and still took half of it home.
I tried a bit of an experiment...I took 1/2 of a chicken, brined it and then dredged it in some flour(s) and spices...followed by a spin on the rotisserie. Yum! Served it with some pasta and corn. We both enjoyed it and I'll need to make notes in order to repeat in the future!