Did you know?

Did you know?​

The word 'Lent' comes from an ancient German word referring to the lengthening of days or springtime.

The Field Record Book


The number of black-bellied sandgrouse killed at Gajner, India on 23 November 1904 by a party including Sir Philip Grey Egerton, who shot 305 to his own gun (taken from Record Bags and Shooting Records by Hugh Gladstone).

"The study tested the ability of 21 TT practitioners to detect the HEF when they were not looking. Rosa asked each of the practitioners to sit at a table and extend their hands through a screen. On the other side of the screen, Rosa randomly selected one of the TT practitioners' hands and held her own hand over it. The TT practitioners were then asked which of their hands detected Rosa's HEF. Subjects were each given ten tries, but they correctly located Rosa's hand an average of only 4.4 times. "

Very cool!

Adam Rainer, born in 1899, holds the unique distinction of being the only person in history to have experienced both dwarfism and gigantism. As a child, he was exceptionally short, measuring only 4 feet tall by the time he turned 18. This condition, known as dwarfism, was a defining aspect of his early life, and he faced the challenges of living with a height far below the average for his age.

However, when Rainer turned 21, his body underwent an extraordinary transformation. A tumor on his pituitary gland triggered a rapid and uncontrollable growth spurt, a condition called gigantism. This led to his eventual height of 7 feet 8 inches, a startling change from his earlier stature. The tumor caused an overproduction of growth hormone, which continued to influence his growth well into adulthood.

Rainer's case is a rare medical phenomenon, and his life offers insight into the dramatic impact that endocrine disorders can have on human growth. Despite the remarkable change in his size, Rainer's condition left him with various health complications throughout his life, and he passed away in 1950. His story remains a fascinating and unique chapter in the study of human growth and medical anomalies.
