Random Picture Thread - Part Deux




Katy did what???? What did Katy do.....looks like a few too many shots of tequila by the judge of that second picture! :yum::yum::yum::yum:

Serioulsy though, that is one AWESOME shot! Love it!

Watch it! For many years I was called Katie, and I'm not telling what I did!!!!!
Shrek's cousin? LOL Mom said that when you heard the Cicadas it was gonna be a hot sucker of a summer day!!
Ever seen a Cicadia WASP? They are as big or bigger than the Cicadias...
I was sitting on my deck one day watching a Cicadia wander around when
Death from above!
This huge monster wasp just screamed out of nowhere and did a number on the bug.
Paralyzed it and proceeded to fly off with it.
I was flabbergasted!
Lucky for us, they aren't aggressive and won't sting unless provoked. The wasps nest in the ground.
Ever seen a Cicadia WASP? They are as big or bigger than the Cicadias...
I was sitting on my deck one day watching a Cicadia wander around when
Death from above!
This huge monster wasp just screamed out of nowhere and did a number on the bug.
Paralyzed it and proceeded to fly off with it.
I was flabbergasted!
Lucky for us, they aren't aggressive and won't sting unless provoked. The wasps nest in the ground.

Dang, Kimchee, I wouldn't pick that thing up. What if he just decides that he's having a bad day...... :shock: :eek::w00t::w00t:
That isnt MY Hand!!!
Although we did pack up a few of them later in the season, along with some cicadas, and send them off to some researcher in Oklahoma. He was quite excited to get some NC samples for his research on the wasps.
(I have a Phd scientist of a wife, and a high geek level myself, so we actually enjoyed watching the creatures from someone's nightmare in our back yard.)
But I STILL used chopsticks to handle the dead wasps, just in case! LOLOL
Lol, after looking at Lifesaver's post, so my grasshopper is a katydid and my locust is a cicada :dizzy:. I need to re-take highschool biology.

I like the chopsticks idea, Kimchee.
Still slowly getting old pics I took transferred, so here is one I had forgotten about. It's one of my niece when she was a year old or so. (She is 3 now) The hands around her are my brothers (her dad). I really like how it turned out.

Still slowly getting old pics I took transferred, so here is one I had forgotten about. It's one of my niece when she was a year old or so. (She is 3 now) The hands around her are my brothers (her dad). I really like how it turned out.

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AWWWWWWWWWW How adorable!! What is she inspecting in the grass?
We had lots of hatching cicadas a few months ago. You know, they stay underground for YEARS, then fly out and attach themselves to something and metamorphose. Pretty spectacular sight. Here are some pictures I took of one hatching, also a pic of me, daughter Justine and Jerry having coffee at our favorite spot the other day.


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Thank you! She hated the way it felt, so my brother was trying to get her used to it. :lol:

Love the photo, mhend. That reminds me of my niece's first time to go to the beach. Sat her on the sand for the very first time and she began to cry and didn't stop until someone picked her up. Kept trying with the same results. She just hated the sand :sad:.

Cool picture of the hatching cicada, MK.
Thanks, Cooksie.

I had to post these. Just took them. I was in the kitchen cooking, and noticed that my kids had gotten awfully quiet. I went into the living room to check on them....they were playing dentist! Complete with sunglasses (their dentist uses them to keep the light out of their eyes), and and gas mask! LMAO!! Jillian is in one of my shirts because they had been playing dress up earlier and she won't let me take it off. :)



Random for sure.
I was just over on Doc's FF forum and was actually looking for a pic of the dog in her purple pajamas in my photo albums. Didn't find it, but I did run across one of me shortly after I'd made the move back here to the states from England.

This was around the late summer (September time '03) whilst I was living with Jules and family until I found my own digs and got all that move stuff settled.
I think we'd gone swimming prior to the snap, and of course I was EATING something. I just wish I could remember what it was.:bonk::yum:

2010-08-26 00-09-39.232 pic at jules sept 03.jpg
Pancho, what a FANTASTIC picture of your pets! So sweet!

You have my favorite color cat, and his markings are gorgeous!

Ah Sass, you look so thoughtful! Thinking deep thoughts at that time of your life...glad you got settled, and thanks for sharing a pic.
Sure! I'll take a brat. I have beer! Care to join me?
Heck yeah, I'll join ya. Ummm sounds good. :D

Here's a pic of an LST 325 WWII ship used to land tanks and troops on the shores of Normandy. It is on it's way to Pittsburgh and one of my boat club members got a pic of it as it went by. My houseboat is also in the pic. the one with powder blue lines and the blue cooler on the front. Pretty cool ehhh?


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Here's my Dad's bike I just finished restoring. He passed back in 97. He bought the bike new in '75. I won't go into details, but it took me about 2 months to complete and I only spent about $1000 since I did 100% of the work myself and bought tools I needed to do so.

This is about 75 or 76. That's me on the tank. :bounce:

The bike sat for many years while it was still in my Fathers possesion, then sat longer when I got it. When we initially took the bike from storage it was mint condition, then after being exposed to the elements it quickly deteriorated. I took it apart and stored it in my basement 5 years ago.




EDIT: HAHA! That's how long ago it was....I still smoked ciggs. HAHA!




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