Mr. Green Jeans
New member
HURRAY for me! My farmer friend will sell me as many truckloads of manure as I want for $40 a load!
SO does $40 set the bar for what a sh_t load is worth? LOL!
HURRAY for me! My farmer friend will sell me as many truckloads of manure as I want for $40 a load!
Pancho, I'm lost.
Do you not own the property where you plant your garden?
Pancho we ought to get together and lift a few and drown our sorrows. Yours is worse because fertile land is going to be covered with concrete. Mine? I get to see someone else in my plot.
Yes BT I had 7 ten by twenty plots. I worked them as a family project. Now Tom is not able to 'farm' as much as he used to and the kids have grown up so I was planing on giving up three of them. Actually at one time I had 11 plots. We were taking care of a friends plots for him but he decided to give them up.
yep they cancelled that program right when I bought even though they still advertised it and touted its successes. Unfortunatley for many the paperwork was "lost" and the deeds never got transferred so they are not facing the work of years getting buldozed. the whole thing would upset me less if we were getting good development but it is low quality spec rental stuff. Also alot of my neighbors are more than eager now to sell off their gardens because 50k buys alot of crack.Pancho -
oops, you missed the boat! (g) back a few years ago Phila was into "homesteading" and would _give you free title_ to those vacant lot in exchange for your guarantee to clean it up and keep it "maintained."
one couple bought two adjoining (abandoned) row homes where the end two houses (on the block) had been demolished by the city as 'unsafe.' rehabbed the two into one house, gained title to the two empty lots, and wound up with a very nice "side yard"
pancho, aren't there regulations for minimum lot sizes, especially including setbacks and such?
if so, the builders would have to get a variance, and you can fight that when it goes to the council.
About a month ago, I built a greenhouse out of PVC, Duct Tape and plastic. It doesn't hold heat at night light I hoped it would, but it heats up well during the day and, at the very least, is a dry place to work when it rains (almost every day!).
Here's what I have in starts this year. I have tomatoes, bell peppers, thyme, sage, parsley, oregano, marjoram, marigolds, snapdragons, nasturtium, echinacea. I have a grow lamp in the pantry where I'm trying to grow cuttings of rosemary and lavender, basil and another flat of marigolds.
Thanks for the link. I've got water tubs in it now. I want to end up with something modular that I can take down during the summer. This fall, I think I'll add a 2x4 wall against the back, insulate it, and line it with 2 liter pop bottles, maybe add some short, insulated walls all the way around.Vyapti, you can significantly increased the heat holding properties of your greenhouse if you use a double layer of plastic and install a squirrel cage fan to inflate the poly envelope. Goal is .5 -1# positive pressure. Kits are available like this: Another solution is to fill a number of 5 gallon buckets with water (hopefully they have lids) to act as a heat sink (water heats and cools slowly). It certainly has been challenging to grow plants here in western Orygun this spring.
... i was also thinking of adding dead men. ....
About a month ago, I built a greenhouse out of PVC, Duct Tape and plastic. .....