What's cooking (or not) Sunday, May 23?

Mr. Green Jeans

New member
Showing the house this afternoon. This house selling stuff is stressful so I whipped up a batch of from scratch macaroni & cheese to toss in the oven post-showing. While we're in realtor imposed exile, I'll grab some sausages to toss on the grill.

High Cheese

I got the itch again.

Preparing braised short ribs with vegetables. I started a homemade stock with roasted bones, ribs and veg which will be reduced to a sauce.


New member
I got a whole chicken with the idea of doing a wine-butt (aka beer-can with wine instead) chicken on the grill, but thunderstorms are moving in, so we'll probably roast it in the oven instead. Garden salad and roasted potatoes alongside.


Queen of Cornbread
Site Supporter
We've been cleaning out the garage all day so there's not been much time to cook. I bought some Frozen Birdseye Asian Stir Fry at Sam's the other day (makes 2 meals for $7). I added some chicken and cooked some rice and that was dinner. Had it one the table in the time it took to cook the rice. It was pretty good. Anyone else tried it?


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High Cheese

Here's my short ribs.

I braised the short ribs in my DO using a combination of white wine, red wine, beef stock an water as a braising liquid. I also added thyme to the pot. The ribs cooked at 375 for about 4 hours and pretty much was falling off the bone during plating.

Sauteed button mushrooms with thyme.

Sauteed spring onions.

Pan roasted carrot, parsnip (turned cut), turnips and beets in a beurre monte.

For the sauce I started with roasted beef ribs, marrow bones(coated in tomato paste), onion and carrot. Roasted until brown/black and added to a stock pot with celery, red wine and water. Simmered for 5 hours, strained and reduced to 1 1/2 cups which was my plating sauce. Took a heck of a long time to make and was worth it.



Got the turned cut idea from The French Laundry book. Alot of waste but great presentation. It's funny because alot of times "chefs" will say don't waste anything, but some of the preparations are the total opposite.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Mama, what's in the top left corner of your picture?



Resident Crone
Exquisite! (checking watch) Will there be any left if I leave now?

Jay, When you do fancy cuts for preparation, keep all the trimmings in a big plastic bag in the freezer. Then use them in your next pot of stock.

That's how professional kitchens get away with saying they waste nothing. All trimmings go straight to the stockpot.

At my house, anything that doesn't go into that freezer bag, goes in the compost bin.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🍂
Gold Site Supporter
Delicious you all!
I ended up having chicken thighs brushed with olive oil and lemon pepper seasoning.
Wedge salad, nothing great, just iceberg lettuce with sliced cherry tomatoes and poppy seed dressing. Pickled beets.
Didn't take a pic.. was too distracted with other stuff lol


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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Pan fried center cut pork chops, steamed white corn, steamed baby spinach, sliced tomatoes.




🌹 Still trying to get it right.
Site Supporter
Lovely Peeps, and very healthy for you too!
thank you sass!! I did the corn in the ziplok microwave steam bags for 4 minutes and they were perfect. I have been using these steam bags for several years now and I love them. I also tried Smart Balance Butter spread and it is pretty good.

my 2 hour after the meal sugar was 88.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🍂
Gold Site Supporter
thank you sass!! I did the corn in the ziplok microwave steam bags for 4 minutes and they were perfect. I have been using these steam bags for several years now and I love them. I also tried Smart Balance Butter spread and it is pretty good.

my 2 hour after the meal sugar was 88.
:applause:Good girl!


Grill Master
after a long ride home from vermont with lots of goodies (mine included maple syrup, maple pepper, smoked cheddar, jalapeno cheddar, 4 year old extra sharp cheddar, summer sausage, maple mustard, champagne mustard, and pomegranate grilling sauce, all from local artisans), we just picked up take out chinese.

and now i'm at work and ready to drop dead. :sad:

the maple pepper looks like interesting stuff. has anyone tried this before? http://www.vermontgiftbarn.com/catalog.asp?prodid=551885&showprevnext=1
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Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Boy, you picked the right time to spend in Vermont, BT - the weather recently has been GLORIOUS!

Sounds like you made some great choices for culinary souveniers! I haven't tried maple pepper but I'd like to. Be great for just about any cut of pork!



Grill Master
that's pretty much what i was thinking, lee. maybe on pork tenderloin.

yes, the weather was great. i'm happy for my nephew who got married this weekend. whew, what a wedding! matt, my nephew, works for a beer distributor, and his bride's dad owns a bottle king franchise.

yay, i have new relatives to ski and snowshoe with!


New member
Gold Site Supporter
Finally got these out of the camera.

I was a bit disappointed with the Pork Fried rice from the other night (too mushy/sticky - overcooked the rice), so I did it again. Also had pan seared chicken breasts on a bed of lettuce with Keltin’s Honey Wine sauce drizzled over it.





🌹 Still trying to get it right.
Site Supporter
Finally got these out of the camera.

I was a bit disappointed with the Pork Fried rice from the other night (too mushy/sticky - overcooked the rice), so I did it again. Also had pan seared chicken breasts on a bed of lettuce with Keltin’s Honey Wine sauce drizzled over it.


