Oh wasn't aware this was your second, as I'm still trying to run off the first. At any rate I still have my hair.
Just notice you added the hair part via edit. Maybe I'll use my "mod" ability to edit and make a Biskit out of the top of your head. LOLOLOLOL
GREAT thread! I sure enjoy all the pics. I might have to dig into my old photos and see what I can come up with.
They had cameras back then, Doc?
I was so ugly, the doctor smacked both ends and pronounced me twins! It went downhill from there.
He proceeded to smack my mother, too! Cameras?? Broke an old Brownie, a Kodak, a Minolta, a Yashika, and two Sony video cams, so, no younger pix of this redneck!
You are just evil Buzz.
You must have been breastfed- all breastfed babies are fat and fat babies are the best!!! All of mine were little porkers!A fat baby. I actually had to be put on a diet when I was 1 yo. And one a little older... 3..... 4??? I know before kindergarten.
So where are your pics, Lefty? Besides your baby pic, which we can all see......I agree with Doc, great thread!!!
So where are your pics, Lefty? Besides your baby pic, which we can all see......
They are so cute, Stacy!!! I love the matching shirts.
Who made you guys wear PINK?????
This thread is not going to die so I am formally reopening it: