What are you listening to or watching at the moment?


OMG!! [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMddLh2ZdC8&feature=related[/ame]


DW just flashed a"People of WalMart" image at me. It was a guy washing his infant's behind in a drinking fountain. From this day on, I shall always have a water bottle to go with.
Carolina songs in honor of our new memeber Carolina Cooking.



Love it love it love it!!!

Grace Potter and The Nocturnals- Apologies

Now for some of my southern rock favs!!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this song!! I have this vinyl but someone cracked it and I can't listen to this song any more :sad: There is nothing like the sound of vinyl and Capricorn records is gone


I saw these guys on the pier in NYC!! GREAT SHOW!!



BOTH sides of this 45 ROCKED!! AND I have the vinyl 45! LOVE it pops and all which gives it character! LOL Hope you enjoy a blast from the past!



I said whoa she said ooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooooo weeeeeeeee I said alright!!

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